Monday, April 8, 2013

in the meantime, we have spring...

it sure has been a rough last few months around here...

and we're not completely over whatever it is that we caught...

but there is light at the end of the tunnel...

and while we were down in bed...

spring happened sometime last week...

at least we didn't miss it completely...

DH started back to work today, not sure if that was a good idea or not...

I am still so weak and sore...
I puttered in the kitchen some this morning, but it just wore me out...

I want to thank you all for every kind word and prayer...
sometimes there are just days when you wonder why God keeps you here at all...

and this last week, I have battled the devil left and right...
mostly over the internet...
I was ready to just walk away from all of it...

but that's what he wants....
isn't it?

that sucker really kicked me when I was down...
made me feel sorry for myself and angry much of the time...

like we didn't matter to anyone at all...
not one helping hand came along...
even though all three of us were down...

but, we didn't need them...
all we needed was God anyway...
he never failed us...
as long as one of us could open a tin can, we ate...
we helped each other up...
with meds and showers...

I am not normally a whiner...
just not my style, but this past week, boy...
did I whine...
I complained...
then I got mad...
after I figured out who I had let in and let have full run of the place...
I still have a hard recovery to go here...
but it's going to be a lot easier without outside interference...
and as soon as I can, I will be around to see you all...
taking it slow...
but trying to get back into the groove, one step at a time...
one day at a time...

if you have a black cloud hanging over you...
send him packing...
life's too short to let him stay too long...
you've got more important things to do than give him the time of day...


  1. Perfectly said! I shouted an "Amen" after reading.... No grip on You any longer, Continued Prayers for You & the Guys ~ Go Slow & post when you're able, Big Soft Hugs

  2. Happy Monday, I so understand all you shared here-lifting prayers for you today. Hugs, Noreen

  3. Atta girl! You are getting back to your sassy upbeat self! I am so sorry that no one kicked in to offer help when you were all down-sad, really. I wonder if people were afraid of catching something?

    Hope Steve did okay at work today- xo Diana

  4. Hi Tete,
    sorry that you all have been so sick. And let down by others. Got that black cloud hanging over here too. Doesn't seem to want to go away. So true, we must chase it away. Feel better soon, ok?

  5. Hi Tete, Your flowers look lovely. I'm sorry you've all been ill. It's a lot to contend with. Hope and pray you're all on the mend.
    Blessings, Beth

  6. I have the same purple flowers, ranuculus? I think :)

    Hope you all are on the mend, and that black cloud is long gone.

    I just stumbled upon your blog and now am following.

    Hope your day is full of sunshine!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!