Wednesday, May 22, 2013

blooms and birds...

this was all from our yard yesterday...

I know it needs so much more work...

and there are places that could use some improvement...

but on days, like this one...

you just need to take the time to slow down...

smell the roses...
and enjoy it...

green beans...

it just doesn't get much better than this...

can't wait for these to multiply...

spider wart we bought last year...
I had a couple large plants, but lost them in the flood 5 years ago...

and of course, there's always the birds...

a baby cardinal...

it was a little too wet to work in the beds yesterday...
so we piddle inside most of the day...
made a pot of fresh green beans, potatoes and bacon...
I think they are all gone now...
made some potato salad while I was at it...
can't wait until we get green beans out of the garden...
and fresh tomatoes...

the corn is coming up in the field behind us...
and it looks like rain this morning...
we have some cooler days and nights coming...

have a fun and blessed day...
rejoice in what you have been given...


  1. I love fresh green beans, waiting impatiently for the garden stuff.
    That poor baby cardinal needed a towel, lol. Aren't they funny looking until they get all feathered out well, and their colors come in good.

  2. I enjoyed the flowers here, Tete. Yes, we are blessed! Still waiting to plant those veggies here. We just keep getting rain. Have a good Wednesday!

  3. Oh Tete... I love the baby Cardinal picture... looks amazing!!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!