Thursday, May 30, 2013

they finally opened...

isn't that worth waiting for?

my old neighbor gave me these...

they are just huge this year...

we had clouds roll through all day...

and the wind is something...

but we only got like 30 seconds of rain...

so far...

it was the biggest drops ever and soaked everything in that short of time...

I got in 5 walks today...

or as DH pointed out tonight...
they walk while I ride...

and there was a little feud going on at the feeder today...

Mr. Cardinal didn't want to share...
even though there was a pile of food there...
and its big enough for many butts to be in there at once...

carrots and radishes...


this one is a different breed...

and homemade cookies tonight...

and not toll house, either...

not in my house...
these are so much better...

look up Mrs. Fields' chocolate chip cookie recipe...
one batch and you'll never bake any other...

I'm on my second bunch...
we like them hot out of the oven...

we are in a tornado watch until 1am...
praying for God's protection for us, our home, our land and our town...
may this all pass over us and lessen as it gets here...
stay safe and stay alert...
and keep praying...


  1. I love your flowers and five walks-great job! Praying for protection over you and yours; totally understand the concerns.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. I love everything in this post...
    now, come over and see mine...
    our minds were running on the same track.
    xo bj

  3. Absolutely beautiful! Worth waiting for! Now I want a cookie! Praying for your safety tonight! Hugs, Nellie

  4. Praying those storms bypass you and your town, Tete. What wonderful pictures you have here tonight-Those peonies are just gorgeous- I love those deep rich pink ones. Your cookies look great. I have Mrs. Field's recipe but have never made it. Is that the one that uses the pulverized oatmeal? xo Diana

  5. You can send me a rooting of those pink ones this I had white ones, but they didn't come back this year. Guess that Flash dug them up. We got at least 2 inches of rain, and it is still rumbling, so it is on the way, again.

  6. The garden photos are gorgeous. And I think Mr. Cardinal has an inferiority complex. His cousins here in north Alabama act the same way! Hope you all are safe. -- Jan

  7. Hi Tete, Your flowers are so pretty and definitely worth the wait. I hope that the storm misses you, but Mother Nature does what she wants. We have storm warnings to the south of us tonight at least for a while. The horse show and ballgame got cancelled. Your cookies are yummy and I would like them right after they came out of the oven. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  8. thinking of you and yours and prayers for no bad weather. Love seeing your gardens Tete and those peonies are gorgeous. Mine were bigger this year too but the rains kept at them so I picked most of them. So so pretty. Have a sweet weekend. xo

  9. I love watching the progression of your gardens.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!