Sunday, June 9, 2013

a gardener's work is never done...

thought we were going to have an easy day...

just weed the back of the island and finish the tree trimming...

the guys push me under the trees in my wheel chair and if the limbs hit me in the head...

the get trimmed...

it was a very peaceful morning...

and we worked slow and steady...

was done in a couple of hours...

until we came in and there was a message on the machine...

a whole trailer load of rocks were coming our way...

so we ate and when we checked the driveway...

the trailer was already there...

so out we go...

with a bucket...

in half an hour...

we had all the rocks we wanted...

so I made a couple of phone calls and posted them on FB...

hanging out now to see if we have any takers...

there is another load of them, too...

it clouded up sometime between coming in for lunch and going out to do the rocks...

like I said- this is just half of them...

can you see the baby bird?

we lined what we could with them...

and grabbed some bigger ones to use later...

now its time for a nap...

they are very dirty, but the hose showed there is color there...
DH picked these out for accent rocks in the beds for later...

hope you are having a good weekend...
we have a thunderstorm watch until 9pm...
so the rain is on its way...


  1. Such neat pictures of your garden areas. Enjoy the outdoors, sweetpea!

  2. I like your rocks, Tete! We use a lot of rocks for outlining borders too. Your gardens are very nicely done, very attractive. I like the old door too! You are a creative gardener, Tete...and a busy one!

  3. Rocks, wish I was closer, I'd have grabbed some to put around the dog pen. I love rocks, and of course, there are none here..


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!