Monday, June 3, 2013

good evening...

hope you had a very sunny Monday...
we got it here...

going to answer a couple of questions openly tonight on here...
questions from others...

how to do a blog...
well, there is no one answer...
its totally up to you...

the first advice is to just be yourself...
don't try to copy someone else...
do what you know best...

being yourself is easier to do and less work...
its more fun and you are more likely to keep doing it...
its about sharing...

sharing your life, your faith, your God...
your joys, your sadness...
that's what, I think, people connect to...

it doesn't have to be perfect...
no one is...
its nice to see something that's not right out of a magazine...

share with us your hopes and your dreams...

all the little things in your life that make you smile...

take a chance and just throw it out there...

your words are good enough...
if they come from the heart...

your photos are good enough...
show us what you see...

take the leap of faith and give it a go...
and then let me know you're up and going...
I'll be the first one to visit...

hope this helps you...
its really not that hard...

now, any of you fellow bloggers can add to this in the comments...
help me encourage those who haven't taken the plunge yet...
everyone has something to share, something to say!


  1. well said..a lesson I had to find out by myself..glad you spoke it here..I love being myself..I love seeing everyone else too. Happy rained all day but we love the free water the Lord give's us! And I love this cheerful!

  2. I like just how you said it Tete. I like all kinds of blogs. Fancy and plain. I love garden photos and interior designs. I love connecting with others. I like to think that if I am praying for someone in need, that I am helping, the best way I know. xoxo,Susie

  3. I hope you enjoyed the sun today!

    It is for sure that my blog doesn't look like it comes from the pages of a magazine.:-) I didn't know what I was doing when I started mine 1 1/2 years ago, and I still don't.:-) I just blog about what I do and that is what I know best.:-)

    You have really good suggestions for those who blog!

    xo Nellie

  4. That was just perfect, I wish I would have had the advise two years ago when I first started blogging. It is such a relief when you realize it's just about having fun. Thanks for sharing. Kathy

  5. Great post, Tete. I do think you just have to jump in and get your feet wet. It is a fun diversion for me and has really changed my life and expanded my horizons. I hope to see a whole room full of new bloggers!

  6. A friend of mine was just asking me about starting a blog recently. I told her I'd sit down with her at the computer to start the technical aspects whenever she is ready. As for another suggestion, think about your niche. For example, I blog primarily about gardens, and tea (yeah, perhaps a weird combination but it works for me.) The thing is, if someone comes to my blog, they should know what to expect. They shouldn't come over some day and see that I've posted a political rant, because that isn't my niche. I'm garden and tea! People who follow my blog come for those things and if I suddenly change it up totally, for example, become a fashionista blog, I'll lose my followers (and perhaps get some new ones who are interested in that niche).
    I personally want this in the blogs I read: pretty photos, ideas, inspiration, a positive voice (I don't want negative thinking), and sharing as much of the family and personal things as one feels comfortable with. I like a little humor every once in awhile too.
    Brent Riggs and Karen Valentine have books they've written on how to blog. That'd be helpful too. However, I had no book to read when I started. I just did it!
    It's still fun after 3 1/2 years; but the day it ceases to be fun is the day it ends. It's a hobby, NOT a business (for me). Some people do make $ blogging but I don't think many people are making a living at it. Well, that's my 2 cents worth!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!