Thursday, June 6, 2013

still waiting on the rain...

there have been rain clouds all around  us...

but nothing here tonight...

Mr Wiggles doesn't need the rain on the tin roof to sleep...


so we drug out the water hose and started in...

sure fire way to make it rain...

but everything is watered and a little more won't  hurt...

asian lilies are opening tonight...

hope you have a good night and the Lord send you what you need when you need it...
we will get ours in time...
heading out for another walk...
its a wonderful night...


  1. Beautiful photos, Tete. It sounds like you had a good day. Wish I could send you some rain. We have plenty- xo Diana

  2. My lilies started blooming today to. Was just thinking about Rebecca, have you heard from her lately?
    I think I would like to snuggle up with Mr Wiggles!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!