Thursday, June 20, 2013

we have some new ones...

my cat lady called this morning...
Pooder did good at the vet...
they took a stool sample...
and we are currently treating him for IBS...
pending the tests...
he goes back in a week...

in the meanwhile...

we have 5 new babies to feed...

and burp...

and bathe...

and feed some more...

and play with...

they are so cute...
they are leaving for the vet next week, too...
for testing and shots...
and if they are big enough...
off to Petsmart so they can be adoted out...

and then we had some visitors...
this little guy is spending his summer at grandpa's house...

his grandpa is one of our neighbors...

and when his momma was this age...
going on 3...
we babysat her...

and this is one of the neighbor's son's...
the little guy's uncle...

he is here for the summer, too...

this one is all boy...

and fun...

and always busy doing something...
you should see those 2 ride the gocart around...
its getting late...
so I will post more in the morning...
after the feeding and the burping...


  1. Precious little kittens! How could you part with them?

    That is one more adorable little boy who is visiting grandpa!

    Sounds like you have a busy day ahead!

    xo Nellie

  2. Tete, Your neighbor boys are cute. I could tell the little one is all boy...those little dirty legs.:):) I could just hug him. Hope the kittens do well and not keep you up. Enjoy your weekend. xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!