Saturday, August 24, 2013

got a full weekend in store...

I hope...

if I can move...

and I can get the guys motivated...

got some pickins from here yesterday morning...

not much, but that's the last of the fresh green beans...
enough to fill a quart bag...
hope they have some in the produce section of the store...

the rose of sharon is coming to its end soon...
the summer days are quickly ticking away...

we have some pretty warm weather happening now...
and will continue through at least the next ten days...

no rain = no mowing this weekend...
all the green beans are pulled and cleared away...
worked on the front bed last night...
raking leaves and cutting back...
the yard is a mixture of summer and fall...
so we are painting, picking up and grilling out today for sure...
laundry and vacuuming...
playing a teeny tiny bit with the babies...
a week old today...
so hope your weekend is good for you...
and that you get all that you want done and still have time for a nap!


  1. Our green beans are gone, too, the last are cooked and in the fridge.
    Your flowers are still so pretty, ours are stressed from the heat, again.

  2. Tete, your picked tomatoes and beans look good. We didn't put anything but that monster gourd plant out...well i put some pepper seeds in a pot and they are growing..but that's it. Good old motivation...I really used to have it.. I am losing it slowly as the years go by. Need to declutter..I think that effects motivation. xoxo,Susie

  3. You are always inspire me! Hope you have a great weekend and rest a little will you!!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful weekend to me, Tete. Glad you are feeling good enough to get things done- xo Diana

  5. Your garden looks good, and the green beans and tomatoes have done well. I'm surprised you had green beans continuing this late in the year. Fresh beans are so much tastier than canned or frozen. Glad you are enjoying your wknd. May God bless you and your family, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!