Saturday, August 31, 2013

just a mini photo shoot this morning...

just wanted to show you what God can do...

just look at all the things he can make...

spent a lot of time talking to him this morning...

and I have been thinking how much more will have to go on before Christ comes back...

how much blood will have to be shed?

how many tortured in the name of their god?

how misled they are...

how much lies they have been told...

how they have fallen into this deception...

how thankful that I was raised by parents who believed in Christ...

and the cross...

and I keep having this feeling we are so close to all going home...

we rode over and watched part of the high school football game last night...

and I was so amazed at how one group of people can choose to spend a Friday night...

and how others choose to spend theirs...

that how much hatred is in their hearts...

and I prayed for those who are doing all the evil things all over the world...

that their eyes might be opened...

and their souls spared...

that war is ugly and I think we are to a point to where you cannot tell the bad guys from the good guys anymore...

and I looked all around me...

and there is so much proof that He is there...

and He is HERE...

with us all the time...
and we walk past Him every day...
and we forget to say hello...
and we refuse to see the signs that are all around us...
signs that are pointing to that time...
and at the same time...
there are signs that say...
do not be afraid...
we are safe with Him...

are you close enough to Him?
we should be closer than we are...
we should be snuggling up like the boogey man is after us...
because he is...
and he is throwing all kinds of distractions at us...
lies, confusion, destruction of families and homes...
tearing away our foundations...
the ones that keep us humble...
get closer...
its the only way to be safe...

hugs to you this Labor Day weekend...
rest in His peace...


  1. You are so right, so many ugly things going on in the world, and a whole lot more prayer is needed.

  2. Tete, Some times I feel like so many things are happening just as the bible says it will...I want to be closer to our Lord..being out in our gardens makes me feel peaceful. Blessings to you this weekend. xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!