Thursday, August 15, 2013

made a change...

moved the pink bike all the way over there...

and of course the white one is over here...

still feeding the birds...

yesterday breeze was awesome...
and our low last night was 49...

and now each day we will creep up a little warmer...
until we see 85 next week...
this looks ok without a bike in it...

and the back to school week is on at walmart...
the one Craig works at is in a college town...
and he was not looking forward to it...

some of the older employees have been telling horror stories of the past...
and have the newer ones wondering what they signed up for...

the guys are coming and going around here...
DH even got some over time in last night...

so, I am home alone again...
with 4 cats and a dog...
just puttering around here...
there is a load in the dryer that I keep walking by...
ever do that?
if I do that enough, someone else will come along and fold them...
that happens here...

this is what we had last night for supper...
this was my little sample plate from the afternoon...
had to make sure they were edible...
this last patch we are picking from are called contender...
they are the best by far of any of the others...
so that's what I will plant from now on...
so off the finish washing the counters and a skillet...
might even sweep...
DH took tomorrow off for a 3 day weekend and if I am lucky...
that deck will get painted...


  1. Hi there dear one, Love hearing what you are up to; we are having pleasant weather in the high 70's but cool in the morning-it feels like fall. Glad you have your furbabies to keep you company. Have a great evening.
    Hugs, Noreen

  2. I love to hear about your "home day", Tete. It is warm and makes me feel like it is a life well-lived. I think it is good that you get some alone time-most of us need that.

    Hope the Wally world thing goes okay-just keep reminding him that the paycheck is coming! And glad that DH got some overtime- I know the money comes in handy.

    Your yard looks great- AS ALWAYS- xo Diana

  3. Those beans look very good, I'm ready for a bite.
    Glad that Craig survived the day, I figure that, and the day after Thanksgiving, or Christmas Eve will be the worst days possible.

    Enjoy that day off, Steve!

  4. Tete, You know I love your garden tours;):) Poor Craig...he'll be fine from now on won't he....getting through now may be prep for the Holidays.Shh...don't get him over excited. Love your bikes. You had some good harvest from the gardens. xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!