Monday, August 12, 2013

the end of summer...

butternut squash...
may make it yet...

planted it for the blooms and foliage...

wanted some ferny growth...
and its softer than the asparagus fern...

radish blooms...

and the roses are still going strong...

you know summer is over when the country fairs are done...
and the state fair has come and gone...
school starts on Monday here...

and here we are in the last week of summer vacation...

with leaves on the ground...

but there is still plenty of green...
and bugs...

and slowly, ever so slowly...
the tomatoes are ripening...

do not have time to make...

but the tomatoes will...

note to self...
turn the ice cream chairs around backwards next year...
the back side looks so much more fun...

a baby watermelon...

but there are always plenty of weeds to deal with...

beef master...

watermelon vine in the tomatoes...

the rose of sharon is at its peak...

pickings this morning...
not much, but picked a few days ago...

going to plant watermelon next year...
and a lot earlier...

every plant has something special about it...

see, the back looks better than...

the front...

been spending so much time outside...
away from the computer...

the temps have been ranging from the mid 70s to the mid 80s...

some nights have gotten down in the 50s...

and I am so sorry about such a long post tonight...

but there were so many great photos today...

we did get a few drops of rain this afternoon, but not enough...
so will have to get out there and water in the morning...
probably too many clouds hanging over to see the meteor shower tonight...
its at the peak tonight...
so if you have clear skies...
sneak out in your jammies and make some wishes...
happy gazing to you!


  1. Woke to rain and wished I could send it your way. Your photos are just beautiful. I love those chairs.

  2. No don't let the summer be over... I am just getting started enjoying it.. LOL.. but so ready for the heat to go away.. loving your garden..

  3. Hi Tete, Love your new background. I think your chairs are very cute. So I see what you mean about turning the backs forward. We have been enjoying squash that my SIL grew. He makes pickles too. He can's green beans and corn. This year he was disappointed in his beans. Not enough.:):) Hope all is well at your place. I always love walking through your yard with your pictures. xoxo,Susie

  4. We have had lots of rain and the temps have been below average for August. My lawn is knee wet to mow.. I cannot remember complaining about grass being high in August. It is usually low, dry and crunchy. Your veggies look great. Roses are beautiful! Have a great week. Blessings!

  5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....NOT YET!!! We really haven't even had a summer yet! Just one week of real hot weather. It gets down into the 40's at night here. I'm NOT ready to let it be over. I'm going to hang on to it, kicking and screaming.
    BTW, I love your blog design. It's booootiful, Tete.
    Have a wonderful week, toots.

  6. School started here yesterday, with a half-day. Today was a full day. We have the fair here the second week in September. Love the Rose of Sharon. It reminds me of my grandmother who had two large bushes! I'd like to have one myself. I am trying to decide whether to enter the fair this year or not. I've won ribbons for my cakes and biscuits in the past, but am having trouble feeling motivated to do it again.:-) xo Nellie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!