Monday, September 30, 2013

a good time of the year...

much was done inside yesterday and just a dab outside...
this mess is gone...

the radish were still blooming, but I pulled them anyway...

and we dug the carrots...
which I only planted for the foliage...
because they are softer and prettier than the asparagus fern

and even if you don't thin them out, you still get enough carrots for a big pot of veggie soup...

it was a pretty day, not too hot and not too cold...

and it cleaned out waiting for fall decor...

and we moved these out from under the walnut tree...
the nuts are starting to fall...

DH and I went for a drive early in the evening...

as the sun started to sink and cast shadows here and there...

and knowing that soon we would all be going into another harvest week...

trying to rest and take in all of this wonder while we can...

for the most part, we seem to miss fall...
and the wonder of it...

just trying to get through the long hours...

and all the aches and pains that come with age...

and DH trying to keep up with the younger guys...

and the funny thing is, he handles it better than they do...

this is one of the best times of day here on the prairie...

the time when we wind down and rest awhile...
driving around looking at all the work that will be coming later on...

we lost a baby through the night...
he was never very strong to begin with...
never played like the others...
a sure sign of a bad heart...
and he passed in the early morning hours...
he was one of Mira's babies...
so we are down to 3 of them and 3 of the others...
and these all seem to be active and playful...
running and leaping and bouncing around here...

there is a front coming in...
I can feel it in me bones...
stiff, very stiff this morning...
hoping it brings some rain...
even though the farmers haven't really gotten a good chance to get started yet...
I would love to have all the color of fall...
as dry as it is now, it will all be browns if we don't get some rain...

have a good day...
got a baby coming soon and Craig and Britters work from noon until 6 and 7...
going to be a long afternoon for me...


  1. Happy Monday to you. When we were out in Ca. last week, it was so brown and dry looking-fall and winter there are like that. Here after the big storms, all the grass is green and the crops are doing well. Hope you get some rain but not so much that it floods like it did here. Have a great day.

  2. Your garden looks good, Tete. I need to get mine cleaned off. Sorry to hear about the kitty. You do good work, though. Bless you! Beth

  3. sorry about the baby kitty,
    I love fall, it is really my favorite time of year.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!