Sunday, September 15, 2013

I can't believe the weekend is almost over...

went to bed too early last night and got up this morning at 4am...
I waited and waited for the guys to stir...
we had talked of pancakes for breakfast this morning...
but I finally had to do it...
I made me some breakfast and went back to bed around 7...

Mira and the ever growing babies...
they got a poop box this morning...
they crawl around in it...

Mr Wiggles is so worn out from helping paint the deck...

and there it is...
almost finished...
got a few more places to hit and then we can start staining...
I love it, looks so much brighter out there...

and now the stuff that Craig found yesterday while he was at the outlet mall...

this thing is super big...

not sure where it will go...

and you can never have enough spider webs...

made chili for lunch...

and just ate my 2nd bowl for supper...

clouding up now and it could rain...
we could sure use some more...
I was doing better today until I over did it...
still not as bad as yesterday...
so I am heading for my late nap...

hope y'all had a good weekend, too!


  1. Good morning! I wish I could send you some of this rain! Colorado has been so devastated! It is difficult to see the destruction that rain can do. Our daughters bedroom has water damage and it is difficult, the carpet is all one piece from room to room to room so no way we can pull up the pad which acts like a sponge! Unsure how badly the mold will set in. Lots of prayer and prayer for those missing loved ones, that total keeps growing.
    Love those kitties and always enjoy my visit with you, Take care, the desk is gorgeous! Have a beautiful week. Hugs Anne

  2. Wish I had a bowl of that chili...Guess I'll thaw out some turkey and make turkey chili sometime this week.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!