Wednesday, October 2, 2013

we have a rainy kind of day here...

not much in the rain, but tons of gloomy...

I think it was just enough to keep the farmers out of the bean fields...

we are to get more throughout the day and tonight...

I have Princess Boom Boom today...

her mommy took her to the doctor yesterday and she has an ear infection, so she is on antibiotics now...

she's snoozin' good right now...

I have lullabies playing on Pandora for her...

needless to say, the Halloween decorations are still in their totes...

we will have a nice weekend, so they will just have to wait...

the next 3 months will just fly by now..

see the birdie?

kinda cute for a sick baby...
she doesn't act like it bothers her...
until she sneezed booger bubbles...
hates having her nose wiped...

its her great grandpa that I asked prayers for last night...
still waiting on word...
his daughter took him to the ER last night and then came home...
got up there this morning and they told her he was in surgery and she couldn't find out anything for awhile...
there was a bit of confusion...
the hospital was full, so they found him a bed in surgical recovery...
he needed another blood transfusion and his heart rate was still really high...
she was waiting for the doctor to make his rounds again to see what they were going to do with him...
keep them in your prayers...
cancer is always a bumpy ride...

hope you are enjoying a good day...


  1. Tete, So scary what the neighbor is going through. I pray for the best and soon. The baby is a cutie pie. Today was gloomy this morning...had a two hour delay on school starting , but right now is beautiful outside. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie

  2. Saying a prayer for that sweet baby's granddad. Sad situation all the way around. Your rain is coming here late tonight or tomorrow. I need to get a few things done before it hits. Great images, Tete. I hope Baby Boom-Boom's ear infection clears up fast- xo Diana

  3. Praying for him, and for her with the ear infection.
    No rain here, but supposed to rain this weekend.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!