Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Nika happened here...

well, we are ok...

furnace guy will be here after 4pm...

in the meanwhile...

we are warm...
very warm...

and the neighbor plowed us out around noon...

so all of this has been moved...

and she is covered up now...

the winds are blowing and drifting the snow...

DH's arm is better...
still sore, but better...

he called in this morning because of the furnace...
so they told him if its still sore tomorrow...

they will be taking him to the company doctor in Decatur...

Craig is going to try to go to work at 4...
not sure if he will get there or not...

hang in there...
this cannot last forever...
glad we don't get these winter's too often...


  1. Tete, I have been thinking of you today. We got a big snow last night, but happy it was not ice. We have our drives cleared now and the snow plow went down the road...hoping for mail. Take care and let's think Spring !! xoxo,Susie

  2. Amazing pictures!!
    looking out from my window its hard to believe it could actually be cold in other parts of the country.
    I am sending you some 80s sunshine all the way from deep in South Texas.
    Have a blessed day.

  3. As we say in our family "Brrr, chilly". Then we tell ourselves to shape up, since 65 is NOT chilly.
    Stay warm my friend.

  4. Glad the arm is better..have been waiting for a update on it!!
    Stay warm, looks like alot of snow at home. we have just 4 inches!

  5. Oh Tete - I just got online for the first time today and read your post from yesterday and today. I am so glad that everything is looking better for you over there. What a terrible time you all have had. :( I will be keeping you in my prayers tonight, sweetie! This winter has got so many of us tired and depressed and so frustrated. At least the days are staying lighter longer. :)

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!