Monday, February 17, 2014

this weather's for the birds and another test...

I changed some things up again, so what about a dark gray background?
and for your viewing pleasure...
some of our feathered friends will demonstrate how to walk on ice...

the cardinals came to dine this afternoon...

some are friendly and some are stuck up...
just like people...

we have some that get along with every body...
and some that don't...
poor little guys...
but these girls have a thing for guys in red...

just enough ice to make it slick...
but no limbs or lines down here...

we even talked Craig into calling in today...
his boss just said, don't risk it...

the snow and sleet were coming down...
and she isn't so sure what just hit her in the head...
love this photo...
the sky is falling!

we had some wind for most of the day...
but DH tells me that its supposed to warm up through the night and melt this stuff...

I sure hope so...

she's so pretty...
the biggest of the bunch...

and ice day slop...
fried potatoes with onions...
drain really well...
1 can of chili beans...
1 can of corn...
1 can of tomatoes...
a pack of chunked hot dogs...
mix it all up like goop...
throw some cheese on top and holler y'all come...
now this changes based on what I have on hand at the time...
there are no strict rules with it at all...
its just an open and dump kind of thing...
and I usually chop up a few apples to throw into the potatoes and onions...
but I didn't have any fresh fruit except for bananas and well...
that just didn't sound good to me...

now for the promise of spring being on its way...
I saw on the long range forecast for Thursday...
as having a 55 for a high...
now I cannot guarantee those boys who wrote it are not in one of those states that have legalized pot or not...
but it sounds good to me...

so, there you have it...
wonderful birds...
ice and snow...
a recipe...
and a weather forecast...
where else can you get all of that in one place?


  1. What a brave gal!!!! She asks me for comments on a blogging change, twice in one day! B-r-a-v-e!!!

    OK, the Gray background with lighter Gray letters, is easier than the Black with Light letters.

    Since you seem to crave a *real* Backing for your posts, and you have such a pretttttty Big Background now... Is it a possibility, to make your Post background a deeper shade, of the mmmm, what do they call the over all color in the Background? Taupe maybe?

    Post background a deep Taupe, and letters, something contrasting.

    Just a possibility, because you know I love, love, love this playing with blog look, myself!!!

    But you do only what you like!!!!!!

  2. I can't get that anyplace but here, Tete! lol

    That is easier on the eyes with the grey background...not so much contrast so easier to read for me. I actually like it. Looks REALLY good to me this way.

    Glad Craigers got to stay home and eat glop with you. That looks good, Tete. Love fried potatoes with onions-will have to try adding some extras next time. xo Diana

  3. But now, of course, I seeeeeee how your post background of muted Gray, does already pick up on colors, in your big Background.

    Duhhhh me.... I need to look, before I suggest.

    Just a question... Why did you want to give up your very unique former way of blogging.....? With the big Background showing all over the page? And a clear backing, where your posted entry goes?

    Yeah, I know. You got tired of it.

    It was unique, but you got tired of it. Understand!

  4. Tete, My Ted would eat your food in a heart beat...the more stuff in something the better he likes it.:):)I love the birds, and I thank God for them. They bring a smile when everything else is crazy. Hope you all do well tomorrow. Oh I like the gray better than the black.:) See you tomorrow. xoxo,Susie
    p.s. I wish I could see you.

  5. Love your blogs new look, Tete! The rose background is gorgeous! And your cardinal photos are amazing! They are one of my favorite birds, that pic of the one with the titled head is so cute! I miss our birds and home, and I am sure they are missing all the food we put out and our heated birdbath. But, there are some amazing birds here, including pilated woodpeckers. Keep warm!!

  6. Tete with you unique and quirky personality I would expect nothing but change.... I love that you are not afraid to try things until you get them the way you want them.. Your photo's are just beautiful today.. I love seeing all the birds feeding or trying to just stay warm.. I know you will change it until you get it right..You are creative and I always enjoy your blog.. Blessings!

  7. Pot smokin weather guys, I agree, somehow they manage to deny any misses, but hale and hardy when they are anywhere near.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!