Friday, February 7, 2014

we made it to Friday...

woo hoo!
what a week, what a winter...
and there is more to come...

but even if it was below zero, we had the sun yesterday...

I went out on the deck just long enough to grab four photos...
too cold for me to be out there...

a wonderful neighbor has a plow this year...
and we are having him do our drive now...
so much easier than trying to shovel...

I have always been told to focus on the little things and the big one will happen...
after all, the big things are all the little things added up...
miracles are not always super sized...
look for the little ones...
they let you know the big on is on its way...

I am going to shoot my hubby...
he didn't go to the doctor...
'maybe tomorrow or Monday' he said...
bull headed men...
good thing the baseball bat is buried in the shed and there is a snow bank in front of the door...
not worth putting a dent in one of my frying pans...
pray for him...
he needs some common sense...
and to be smart enough not to shovel the snow from in front of the shed...

you all have a good Friday...


  1. Tete, Don't clobber him yet. Now if on Tuesday he still has not gone to the dr....then it's clobbering time. :):) It's really cold here today. Yesterday was so pretty, well the sun is shining right now, it's just been too cold to do much of anything. Can't last forever, hopefully. Enjoy your weekend. xoxo,Susie

  2. Tete, They can really be stubborn. I think most men are alike in that respect. It is really cold here, the sun came out yesterday and hopefully it will again today. I have an eye doctor appointment that I want to keep. So much snow and cold with more to come. Try to stay warm. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.

  3. Your post was great... Got through the week of snow. Check. Got some new pics. Check. Did a lovely quote-on-a-pic. Check.

    And then.........


    Hubby! What is the matter with him? Not going to doc! We deal with little injuries, so they don't become big injuries. Common sense and all that jazzzzzz...






  4. Sorry... I really shouldn't pick on someone else's husband. But.... Well.... -sigh-

  5. My mother always said, "Men will be men...and boys will be boys." lol She couldn't be more right! What is it about men not wanting to go to the doctor?? I have to push mine out the door to his yearly physical, too, and have called his dr many times when he needed to be seen for something. Boys....! lol

    Seeing that sun yesterday did help a bit, but man, is it ever cold again today. I'm so over it, Tete. I'm sick of seeing all the cold, wet white outside my windows. The deer are suffering even though we are feeding them every day, along with the birds, turkeys, and squirrels. I sure hope that spring arrives sooner rather than later this year....

    Have a great weekend, sweetie - and save that fry pan for some pancakes! lol

    xoxo laurie

  6. have not been here since you changed your blog. beautiful!

    love saying at top too. and so true. I always try to be last. =)

    love pics.


  7. that iron skillet doesn't dint to bad, use it.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!