Saturday, March 22, 2014

and so the day went like this...

purple finch...
my friend, Jettie, knew what it was...
thanks, girl!

today was blood work day, so got up early and headed to the blood suckers...
made it there by 7:30...
done in 5, so Craig and I took off for McDonald's for breakfast...

made a quick stop at Walmart...

found these, for a dollar each...
fun spring colors...
I lit the lilac as soon as I got home...

so here you go, all of you with snow still on the ground...

this is what spring looks like around here...

tulips and crocus...
could very well bloom in the snow...
they say more of that for Tuesday...

we cooked when we got home...
chicken parmesan with penne pasta...
had it for lunch and will have it for supper, too...

and when I have to watch my carbs and sugars, I use this for my bread...
I just take a loaf of the cheap french bread and slice it thin...
put it in a tub and that is the size of my sandwiches...
it makes really good sandwiches without all the things you don't want going to your hips...

its colder today and I am so missing yesterday's 70s...
we have a missing kitty...
Hermie got out on Craig yesterday morning and we haven't seen him since...
he is not used to being outside and is afraid of everything out there, so not sure if we will get him back or not...
praying he is safe, where ever he is...
we have walked the neighborhood and called and called...
got his face posted on fb in case someone found him...
so that's about it for me...
been trying to get my housework done, but it just takes me forever...
and now, we have to do a deli run to Ashmore...


  1. Tete- That was quite a day you had -Dr/Walmart/Home/Cooking/Looking for the lost baby. I am so sorry Hermie is out. I hope you can find him.

    Hope you have a good night! xo Diana

  2. My bulbs were doing so good, until the lat freeze, Not sure if they will come back.

  3. You are welcome, aren't they pretty! We have several that show up here, haven't seen them yet, this year, though.
    Hoping Hermie shows up, and is safe.

  4. Soooooo pretty blog look!!!!!!

    Oh I so hope Hermie returns, safe and sound. -sigh-

    Hope you have talented blood work people! We are able to go to nearby hospital lab, to have blood drawn. They do it all day long, so they are expert!! Yesssss!!!

    I left a doc, because he insisted I have blood drawn in his office. Nurses don't want to hurt you, but they don't do it all the time, and they are not, not, not expert. As I said, I left him.

    Your photos are looking mighty spring-eeeeeee! Hope the coming snow will be little and not last long!!!!!

    Gentle hugs,


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!