Monday, March 31, 2014

the unearthing has begun!

just a very quick post here...

got so much to show you...

my cardinals do not fight at all...

they all live in our shrubs out front...

isn't he pretty...
finally saw a female one this morning...
they were playing chase, so babies will be coming...

we went out first thing this morning and filled the feeders...

then we started finding things...

what could that be?

lots of green things...

and my first crocus of this spring...

should be open by this afternoon...

lots and lots and lots of leaves...
thank you, Lord, for putting in my head the need to pile them on last fall...

even got some rearranging done here...

it got plenty of work done this morning...

some of my favorite things...

love how this pot has aged...



worked on the beds we didn't get to yesterday...
before the winds pick up...
lots of green here and I even think out grass is greener today...
so there you go...
we came in and did lunch and I am going to lie down for a bit...
got to do mashed potatoes and hash browns when I get up and some piddle fartin. in here...


  1. We did running around today. I loved the beautiful day we had. I'll be clearing beds tomorrow. Isn't it just great to see things growing again. xoxo,Susie

  2. Hi Tete, Love all your photos; also love your new background. Tried to find out where you got it but didn't see the tag.
    Oh how I love Cardinals; wish we had them here. I was at our new home on Sat.(we don't move in until May 1st)and the gal had planted lots of Tulips. I'm so very excited about them.
    Hope you have a great evening.

  3. YOu got some great photos here today, Tete. I can't believe how greened up you are already-with things budding and all. I am jealous!!! xo Diana

  4. Yeah, I agree with Diana! It's so much greener down by you, girl - and with all those little green sprouts popping up....spring has truly FINALLY arrived!! Yay!

    xoxo laurie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!