Friday, April 4, 2014

a tad bit soggy here...

the rain is just what everything needs right now...

a project for a dryer day...

green is just popping up all over...


I am so glad we got these all raked off before the rains came...

just in time...
but the wind blew leaves back on in some places, but not like it was...

I really think I need to paint this when it warms up and dries out...

it was a very peaceful kind of a day here...
with the rain falling softly, most of the time...
and its wonderful to hear the thunder instead of sleet hitting the windows...
one look out and you realize the cold is over...
it might get chilly, but its time to sort through summer clothes and find your old favorites...
getting ready for those 80s...
planning what's going in the beds and pots...
I want to plant some glads this year...
I haven't had any of them in over 20 years now...
and I have plenty of places they can go...
some more lilies...
some in the dark tones...
pastels for the annuals...
what are you planning?
what's your favorites for the planters?
for borders?
its almost time...
have a blessed spring day...


  1. I planted more hollyhocks, in more colors, and am looking at some more lilies.

  2. April showers, bring May flowers!!!

    A Daisy background here. Near the same time as Doris Day's 90th Birthday. Cute...

    Don't know about you but I always associate daisies with Doris Day. :-)

  3. I am looking forward to Spring. It is cold and foggy here today. It is 32 in Green Bay and looks like a freezing rain/snowy mix. I am dreading the drive home but at least it will be before dark.

    I love geraniums and dusty miller, vinca vine and sweet potato vine in my planters...and I like little mini fir trees too-in big planters.

  4. Tete, I was a frazzled lunatic yesterday...too much water in the basement.. I am beginning to hate this basement. I was up at 2:00 this morning checking blogs out after I had a quick look at the radar weather on line. Just could not rest. It never rained enough to make the pumps come on again. So that was a flash flood yesterday. Too much too fast. Hope we get a warm up don't you..... I can't believe how chilly it is with this wind. Blessings xoxo,Susie

  5. Happy Friday to you! Love seeing your garden; I'm ready for spring too. Yesterday we moved two loads of furniture etc. for our daughter and then today, hubby and I weeded a bed, put down garden fabric and spread out 10 bags of mulch. I have to say that moving is easier than what we tackled today. We still have our two larger beds to tackle-I bet those will take a week. We also laid out 8 bags of mulch in the front yard yesterday. I am a whipped puppy. As for planting, I'm hoping that once we move we won't have to plant anything. The folks we bought from are trying to spruce up the yard for us.
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  6. We have winter storm warnings for just north of us. Flooding going on around us. Still too cold for anything to start popping up out of the ground yet.
    Rain, and freezing rain coming down all day today.
    Your blog looks so fresh and springy.
    I dare not make any plans for flowers yet.
    I'll just keep plugging away inside for now.
    Enjoy your warm weather, and spring time.
    Love to you, sweet friend.

  7. After coming out of my post Riot haze.....I realize the grass is green and I have one daffodil blooming!
    Thanks for the kind words about the Riot..I hope you saw I made the Oakland Independent!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!