Saturday, April 26, 2014

another good day here...

just a few of the tulips opened this week...
but we have some major rain moving in the first of the week...
and that should help the rest along...

there are even some shady places now...

and the green is beginning to fill in the spaces...
the lots across from us...

I love these...

tiny leaves, that will become larger very soon...

a carpet of magnolia petals...

its in full bloom now...

the fields around us are planted, too...
the farmers are hitting it hard and heavy...
before the rain gets here...

love this...
so thought I would share with you...
been doing a lot of hand sewing on the pillows to seal them up after they are stuffed...
this is a Gerber baby food container...
and they are the perfect size for a large spool of thread...
and you can see the color without opening it...
when you go to thread a needle, you can pull on the thread and the spool stays in the container and just rotates without bouncing across the table on onto the floor...

this old machine does pretty good...
most of the time...
some of the details in the pillow cases...

my eyes are still doing fine enough to thread a needle and make tiny stitches...
its the hands that hurt from time to time...
getting old isn't for the weak...

but here they are...
I have two more, out of the pillow ticking...
that need more stuffing...
so have to pick up another pillow...
I would love to share the pattern with you, but I don't have one...
the square pillows are the typical 18" size...
and the pillow cases were just do what I wanted at the time...
using scraps of the rose material to insert in the tops of the cases...
then grabbing some lace and sticking it here and there until I found the right spot...
I am ashamed to say I do not own a thimble or straight pins anymore...
they just take too much time for me...

and one more tulip to hold you over if yours are not blooming yet...

and that's how the day went...
so says Mr Rabbit...

Craig and DH both have to work today...
all day...
so going to take this time to rest up again...
and get these allergies under control, if I can...
it won't be long until they are done in the fields and the dirt settles...
and it will be much easier for my nose...
have a good weekend and take a walk and just enjoy the spring time...
its so fleeting...


  1. Oh- You know I am living vicariously through you this time of year. It is 32 here this morning. Crazy cold weather-nothing leafed out yet-but I do see some green poking its head through the soil----about time!

    Your pillows turned out great. I really need to get some sewing done. Great tip about those little baby food things. They do come in handy don't they? My girls use them for beads, too.

    Hope you have a great day, Tete. Enjoy your alone time! xo Diana

  2. Tete, Thins are so pretty around your place. I love the rose print on your pillows. I never have used a thimble either. My aunt had one on all the time it seemed...she quilted by hand. I used to sew my daughters' play clothes out of those jiffy patterns.So simple, I rarely used pins to hold it together...just sew a hundred miles an hour on that wonderful, singer sewing machine I had. I miss that baby. I am not fond of this Janome. It needs an adjustment now. Hope you get rested and can come out to enjoy all the green in your yard. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. look at those trees! you are farther along than here. so interesting to see different conditions, from different parts of the country. and from a different hemisphere too. i follow a couple of gals, down under. :-)

    love those pillows. love 'em.

    and i hear you on the hands... not wanting to do much, on certain days. and i don't have a sewing machine. it's one of those things i want again, now and then. then figured i'll get it and not use it, and i can't do that, either. yish... :-)


  4. The pillows are beautiful! I never could get the hang of a thimble either. I can't believe how green you are. Our trees are just beginning to bud here in Michigan, no tulips or daffodils blooming yet. But the primrose are showing their colorful beauty. And the sun is shining today!

  5. My index fingers lock up when I try and do some fine stitching, but that is the only hand problem so far. I need to mmake some pillows, have several that I was going to throw away, but will use them for stuffing, instead.

  6. Tete, I love your photos and your pillows are just beautiful! I am glad you are able to get some rest. When we got back from our trip, I had to take a full day and rest. I call them piddle days. Thehubs asks me "what are you going to do today" and I say "Piddle" which means whatever my body feels like doing!
    I have spent 5 years going to doctors about my right hand, each one told me there was nothing wrong with it. I just found out that I have two herniated discs (in my neck) pinching my spinal cord and will have surgery may 19. I hope it improves my hand and I might get some strength back.
    You take gorgeous photos! Get some rest!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!