Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter egg hunt and some fun stuff, too...

the square up town all ready for the hunt...

'these aren't my nuts!"
he was busy checking the eggs out right before they turned the kids loose...

this side was for the 1-3 year olds, so the parents help them out...
not as many as we normally have and it was a wonderful day for it!

and here is the guy we went to see...
Mr Eli...
wasn't too sure what was going on...

he did get a few eggs...
but then gave all his candy away to some chicks...

"driving" the cannon...

and hiding under it...
he had a good day...

its hard work finding eggs and driving a cannon...
he was getting so tired...

and now for some fun...
the magnolia tree in the neighbor's yard...

and another neighbor's pear tree...

and back to our yard...
it really, finally looks like spring...
and today it felt like it, too...

the violets are back and so are the dandy lions...

the beds are beginning to fill in more...


the ferns are uncurling!


grape hyacinths...


and more daffodils...
there's some smaller squill in front of them...
our high today was 73...
had to take off my sweat shirt working out in the yard...

our dinner yesterday went really well...
no photos of that...
bad me...
but we all had full bellies...
and the kids brought Bella with them, so Bella and Gabby got to play together one more time...
and Gabby is at her new home now...
seems awfully quiet around here with no babies...
and it was peaceful with just me and the old man most of the day...

I have to make up DH and Craig's easter bags yet tonight...
jelly beans and chocolate bunnies for them!
peeps on a stick and a rubber duckie with bunny ears for Craig...

Happy Easter to you and your families...
and thanks to Jesus for dying for all of us...
and for God sending his son to save us all...


  1. That little boy is just adorable! I love those pictures, Tete. Your yard is looking really wonderful, too. Looks like you are full on Spring. God bless you & Happy Easter- xo Diana

  2. Great pictures, and yes, all that IS hard work.
    Peeps on a stick, never heard of them used that wau

  3. Oh that Mr. Eli! What a cutie! And that look of; "What's going on???"

    Don't you wonder what it's like, in their brand new minds... Taking in life around them... Learning to process it... Processing it... What a view that would be, to peek inside their sweet little minds!!!!

    What a fun day. What beautiful weather you had, for it.

  4. and oh my, you are so much farther along in spring, than we are. 'Course I still haven't gotten out for a good ramble, to really looooooooook for spring. But...

    Anyway, enjoy your lovely spring. :-)

    Have a very Happy Easter, my Dear Friend.

    Gentle hugs,

  5. And this blog background is lovely, lovely, lovely. Beige-y and softest green, soft and calm and gentle and old fashioned looking. with lace even.

    Mmmmmmmm.... Prettttttttty.....

  6. Following from seashells and lavender. I love the advice you shared with her in your comment. You ladies have something special. Happy Easter!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!