Sunday, April 6, 2014

happy Sunday morning...

we had a most wonderful day yesterday...
and a naughty squirrel...
eating the bird seed...

we did get out in the afternoon...

lilacs will be leaving out soon...

this front bed will fill in so much in the next month...

but nothing blooming yet...

there are more crocus opening...

these are the most fun little flower...

so far, the purple are winning...

I have 3 colors...
purple, yellow and white...
so far, no white have opened...

the sun felt so good...

walmart called early this morning...
and Craig is getting ready to go in earlier than he was scheduled today...

they scheduled the guy who quit...
a der moment on their part...


and supper last night...
DH and I, when I get dressed and moving...
are going out this morning to burn more leaves...
not a lot, but just get done what we can...
and I need to take a short drive and get a photo of a house for a friend...
I am so ready for the 70s so I can go out and sit on my butt and dig in the dirt...
y'all have a blessed Sunday...


  1. Oh-Tete- LOVE your Spring pictures and I see GREEN GROWING THINGS there-nothing like that here yet-sadly.
    Looks like hot beef sandwiches to me? Don't remember the last time I had one of those. Yum!
    Have a wonderful Sunday drive! xo Diana

  2. I used to always order hot roast beef sandwiches when they were on the minu....
    Haven't had one in forever.

    It is about spring there, I thihk.

  3. Tete, You have really cleaned your yard up. Ted and I worked in the yard all day...well almost. I love that you have flowers..I need some color quick. :):) Hope we have nice weather all week. xoxo,Susie

  4. Hi there, You are so blessed to have spring flowers already. I have Day Lilly's coming up and some Crocus but after spending four days of back breaking work in the yard, I am pleased that is it all done. Thankfully our new yard will have a smaller yard.
    Hope you have a wonderful night.

  5. How wonderful it would be if all the spring flowers stayed in bloom all season long! What a colorful world it would be. Happy Spring to you!

  6. Again, MANY thanks for the pictures for my cousin. She was in for the Riot from SD we have been writing for 15 years but never met!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!