Wednesday, April 2, 2014

more spring...

the sun came out yesterday in the late afternoon...

and I got some shots in from the kitchen window...

while the birdies came to feed...

they finally figured out they could sit on the bicycle...

looks like they are going for a ride...

trees are really budding out now...

funny guy...

it started raining late last night...
3-4 inches by Friday...

by the time I grabbed my hoodie and got out the door, the sun was gone again...
but I did find these super tiny crocus...

and more of these opened...

the sedum is green...

tiger lilies are through...

and the daffodils are growing so fast...
can't wait for them to bloom...

got to hop in the shower and get dressed...
then onto the fun things of the day...
laundry and cooking...
cleaning and such...
sure there will be a nap in there with the rain...
y'all have a fun day and I hope you get done everything you set out to do...


  1. Tete, You get good pictures of your birds. My camera won't zoom in that close. I am going to have to have another lens. Hope your day isn't too boring. My plans for yesterday got all scrabbled up. Ever have days like that? Glad you are getting better. Blessings,xoxo,Susie

  2. What cute little birds, adoraable shots of them having such fun! Hope that one little guy gets his head out! Aww, you do have some flowers that are popping up, how wonderful! Have a great day and enjoy the nap! Napping while it's raining, oh so calming and sweet.
    Great day!

  3. I see Spring popping up all over your place...:) Hope you are well and hoppy.....(see what I did there?).....:)

  4. More and more signs of spring.

    I'm sure the rain, made a nap, delightful...

  5. Hi tete! Love those photos, spring has been a long time coming here in southwest missouri. Just last week, we were in Branson doing some shopping and people were walking in shorts and dodging the piles of snow on the sidewalk. Our trees are just beginning to pop open their new buds and my day lilies are poking up through the ground. I feel so much better just knowing that we have months ahead to play outside!

  6. Spring time is amazing. love your pictures
    and Happy belated birthday to your handsome son..
    Xo Marissa

  7. Great spring pictures, Tete. I always feel like I am visiting an old friend when I come here. Love to see something green and growing there-nothing here yet- xo Diana


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!