Thursday, April 10, 2014

we had a beautiful spring day...

and I got outside...

my job was to break up and cut up the limbs and sticks into smaller pieces to burn in the fire pit on a calmer day...
Craig only has one day off this week, and yesterday was it, so was trying to get this done before mowing time...

all the spent walnut shells under the biggest walnut tree...
no wonder our squirrels are fat...

dead heading the yucca...

the grass was so green and everything is shooting up...

onion chives that I planted years ago are all over the place along the field line...


sparrow, purple finch and junco...

a lady cardinal and a sparrow...

the purple finch also has a red butt...

I need to research them more...
this must be the female...

its early this morning, but I am so sore from yesterday...
yard work and  walks...
house work and laundry...
steamed the kitchen floor and all the fun stuff inside, too...
its going to be a stretch and groan day for sure...
I will be glad when I get toughened up more...
there is still a little more to do out there, but it will get done over the weekend...

so, here's the update on Courtney in Ohio...
she went to see a doctor, who ran more tests...
in 24 hours, things had changed...
the spots in the lungs were GONE...
the spots in the lymph nodes were GONE...
there is a tumor in the colon /rectum...
and there is a small part of the liver effected...
change of plans...
hit her hard with chemo...
shrink the tumor...
remove the tumor...
remove a small part of the liver and it will grow back...
get rid of the bag...
for good...
doctor's are scratching their heads...
but we know its prayer and the healing power from above...
keep praying...
and she isn't a friend of mine...
she's family...
my family...
and from my family...
we would like to thank you for all your prayers and concern...
God is good all the time...


  1. Oh Tete, that's so exciting about Courtney. I will continue to pray. God bless her!

  2. Praying. Lots of great photos on the blogs this week, and yes, that is Mrs. Purple Finch

  3. Amen!! He is good all the time! Power of prayer makes all things possible. So glad to hear better news. Happy Spring Tete! Hugs!!

  4. Oh you have so much greeeeen!

    Then again, perhaps if I put boots on, and went out in the yard, I might find green too. What a "novel" thought! -sigh- Yeah, I am such an outdoors wimp!!!!

    Happy for the good news... Sad for the not so good news.

    Gorgeous new Blog Look here!!!! Awwww, I love this one. But you keep changing them. If you want. There isn't really much Easter Look Time left. :-)

  5. Hi Tete, Love your photos as always!
    Glad you got to get out and do some chores; I have never heard of steaming a floor?
    Praising Him for the answers to prayers for Courtney. Continuing to lift her up.
    Sending you big hugs.

  6. I will continue to pray for Courtney. Hope she continues to improve.
    Your spring pictures are great. I am so glad that you can get out there and enjoy it this year. God bless, Tete- xo Diana

  7. Tete, Praying for Courtney. It's amazing the power of prayer. Glad you got outside to do some yard do not over don't want those long monkey arms like I had on Saturday. LOL. xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!