Sunday, May 4, 2014

be happy...

where you are...
love this little face...

be happy where you land...
for there is reason you are there...

rose chested grosbeak...
you are either where you are for one of two reasons...

there were two of them...
their first showing this year...

either God put you there because you are willing to follow Him anywhere...

you picked...
and He is waiting for you to let Him lead your life...

either way, you are where you are...
and there a lessons to learn...
work to do for Him...
because He can use anyone, in any circumstance...

pain comes to us when we forcefully pave our own way...

but when you follow Him...
the road is already paved for you...

He cleared the path long ago...

planted the tomatoes last night...

should have done it before supper...
it was a bit difficult on a full tummy...

stop fighting Him...
you can't win that one...

had a good day yesterday rummaging...
paid for it through the night and this morning...
well, not as bad, but I know I have done something...
got to clean this place up today...

update on Courtney, my cousin's daughter in law...
the one who is doing chemo now...
the doctor's have set a goal...
to be cancer free by Christmas...
God is good...
have a great day...
and make sure to get rested up for the coming week...
got some warm weather moving in!

1 comment:

  1. How did you get so smart?
    It's like you can read my mind.
    thank you for being my friend.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!