Friday, May 9, 2014

its been such a week...

I had no idea a week ago that our world would be turned upside down...
or how fast things can change...

but we are adjusting...
and some are willing to help with that adjustment...

while others are just taking it all in...

our first iris bloom...

87 yesterday for a high...
its 2 am and its raining now...
up with Charlie, who apparently likes the rain...
he finally peed!  
poor guy, and he tried to poop but only farted...
its hard to do on a leash with an audience...

and Mr Wiggles photo bombed this one...
he is really good at that...

so much for a little one to take in...
I can't imagine being in a cage all my life...
at times, I know he is overwhelmed...


almost everyone in the neighborhood has met Charlie now...
the kids next door really like him and he likes them...
they are being very quiet and slow with him...
we have talked about puppy mills and how his life was before...
and how scary all this new is for him...
but in time, he will be more open and happy...
he is so quiet and reserved...
and the cats don't quite know what to make of him...
waiting for him to play and it hasn't happened yet...
I did get his ear hair pulled today and his ears cleaned out...
its a wonder he could hear anything at all...
small dogs have ear hair and with floppy eared dogs...
the ears hanging over the ear prevent them from staying dry...
the ear hair has to be pulled and the fur under and around the ear trimmed short...
to stop ear infections from happening...
it doesn't hurt them at all to pull it...
its like a real fine, fuzzy hair...
I don't think the rescue knew to do that...
they normally deal in big dogs or smaller dogs without the ear hair...
so that got taken care of...
he also has tartar build up, so he needs the dental stix to chew...
one thing at a time...
he is doing better on the leash and we need to use a harness with him...
Craig will bring one home today...
but I am thinking we will have to get a cat one to fit right...
he is using the collar one right now...
that came with him from the rescue...
we took it and a leash with us, but hers was smaller and fit better...
so we just traded and she can use those on another dog...
I still need to sort out Bebe's favorite toys and put them up...
and a couple of his outfits...
then Charlie can have the rest and we can get him new ones, too...

I still have my moments of tears...
its hard not to...
and I took Charlie to Bebe's grave this afternoon and told him about him...
how one little furr ball can change your whole world amazes me...
and I keep learning its all in God's timing, not mine...
I would have liked to have put some more time in between...
but, if I would have waited, I might have missed Charlie...
this was meant to be...
to unfold like this...
I trust Him...
I don't always understand...
if you have lost a furrever baby...
and you are waiting...
because you don't think you could do it again...
don't wait any longer...
someone out there needs you...
and you might miss your Charlie...
and a dear friend told me that another one will not replace the one you lost...
that they just expand your heart...
that we are all capable of loving more than we think we can...
and that I have learned that compassion cannot be contained or measured...
its endless and the only limits that we have with it...
are only what we put on it...
so happy Friday...
and have a most blessed weekend...


  1. Tete, Little Charlie looks scared. What a shame. He will forever be grateful once he adjust to real life. We had a news program show dogs from puppy mills scared to walk on grass, as they had never been out of a cage. It makes you cry. I had a neighbor once who thought she was more humane than me cause she had dogs and I didn't...well I worked, lots, why make a dog stay in or ignored while I worked. But the two dogs she had, this is sad, one in a tiny fenced in area just enough room to walk around his dog house. The other tied to his doghouse on a short rope. That is cruel...if she had then for protection...gee take them in the house, love on them, so they'd want to protect you.LOL Tete, I know you will love your Charlie. Hugs to you for Bebe. xoxo,Susie

  2. Charlie's stance reminds me of Petey when Jd first got him, almost ready to run at any noise. He will get past that soon, with lots of love and attention.

  3. Charlie is one of the lucky ones, he has you!

  4. again, i'm so happy for both charlie and for you...

    gentle hugs,

  5. I'm so sorry about BeBe...hopefully Charlie will comfort you some. I do know Charlie is one lucky dog to have you as an owner....:) I'm sure you two will be the greatest of friends! Hugs to you!

  6. I did a post for you.
    Charlie is one lucky pup. When we lost our first German Shepard we were without a dog for about 3 hrs. As I adopted Heidi I was crying for Sasha. And as you know Heidi ended up to be my fur soul mate. I still miss her but love Greta. I hope Charlie gets more comfortable as the days go on.

  7. I've been wondering how you guys are doing. You are right, this is alot for Charlie to take in. In time he'll realize that you are not going to hurt him or put him back in a cage. It just makes me so sad and angry to think people can do that! Can't wait to hear about his adventures. Let the tears fall for Bebe, but know that you are honoring his memory by passing on the love to someone who really needs it:)

  8. Tete,
    We have been thinking of getting our Tea a dog. We just don't know whens a good time for her she is only 6 mths.
    All I know is I want a friendly dog Charlie really got lucky.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!