Saturday, June 14, 2014

got a wonderful day for our Saturday...

started out with a morning trip to Paris...
breakfast out with the old man and dropping off receipts to the insurance for the towing on the truck...
a drive through the park and back home again...

we had borrowed the neighbor's truck to make the trip since ours is in the shop...
and Craig had to work today...
so when Steve took the truck back after dropping me at home...

his daughter asked is we wanted to baby sit this morning for a bit...
well, sure!
baby boy A is 6 weeks old...

she wanted to take her old man golfing here in town for father's day...
and they took the older girls and left A with us...

then when the baby had left...
we started the yard work...
which wasn't much...

took a walk to see what the neighbor was doing with a back hoe in his yard...
major changes there...
tore out a deck and all the bushes around it...
moved some boulders...
just having fun...

and the mower guy went by, so back home again to pay him and chat a bit...
then in for an nap...
until Craig showed up for supper time...

and another walk to see the baby...
and they are golfing again first thing in the morning...
so, guess who gets to rock and hug a baby boy?

Craig works again tomorrow...
so we will watch the baby until mom and dad pick him up...
then they have to head home to northern Indiana...

and we will go out and putter around the yard...
need to clean the bird bath again...
we have dirty birds...

trim back the rose of sharon a bit...
then more in the fall on that...
water the potted plants...
need to get a couple loads of laundry done sometime through out the day...
and another nap, too...
it got up to about 78 today with a wonderful stiff breeze...
but the temp is supposed to rise all week and hit 93 before its over...
so getting out while we can without sweating our butts off...

hope you had a good day...
and that you have a nice father's day tomorrow...


  1. sounds like you had a wonderful day, we do miss holding babies don't we, lol your Charlie looks like his coat is lightening up, he is growing too!!

  2. Oh- What fun you will have watching that baby boy. How heartwarming for you. Sounds like you had a good day Tete. Your pictures are as great as always and love the one of Charlie.

    Have a good Father's Day with the old man tomorrow!;>) xo Diana

  3. Tete sounds like your day was filled with ~ lovely !

  4. Sounds like a pretty full day to me!
    Your pictures are all so pretty, and inspiring. LOVE the scarecrow! That Charlie is way too cute!
    I hope your Father's Day was just as pleasant as yesterday was for you, Tete.
    Love ya tons.

  5. Love the way your day went, and getting paid back for the towing is a good thing, I think.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!