Wednesday, June 25, 2014

so many weeds, and not enough time...

how do you spend rainy afternoons?
this is how we do it around here...


Mr Wiggles...
which is how he looks most of the time...
he is a super napper...

this is the new kittie napping station...
2 parson chairs side by side...
pillow shams pulled over the backs...
and a fun quilted throw...
it has been approved...

things are coming right along...
have blooms on the peppers now...

the lavender is at its best...

roses come and roses go...

the lilies are in full bloom...

day lilies are getting ready to show their true colors...

everything around here is very green and very muddy...

not getting to do much outside but just sit and enjoy being out there...

and there are plenty of bugs, too...

the path is almost completely gone now...

my Charlie...
he is so wonderful and a perfect fit for our family...

and the best news of the day...
we have green beans...

will be picking soon...
and there will pots and pots of fresh green beans!

Hermie and Lester playing around this morning...

Mr Wiggles looking on...

the corn around here is head high...
and the soy beans are coming along...
the weeds are doing better, though...

tomorrow is DH's birthday...
odler than dirt, he is...
nah, not really...
he will turn 59 this year...
won't be too many years that I will be married to a senior citizen...
time amazes me...
how fast it goes...
how slow it seemed to drag when I was younger...
how this year is almost half over already...
and our warm days will all too soon fade away again...
and surrender to the bitter cold...
don't waste a moment of it...
savor it, make it last...
see your blessings today...
no matter whether it rains or the sun shines too brightly...
fill your heart with things that make you smile...
and curl your toes...
have a fun evening...
and catch some lightening bugs...

I made this the other night while watching the lightening bugs dot the yard and fields with light...


  1. happy birthday to your husband! Your Charlie is such a sweet heart he reminds me of our little dog, the cats are in kitty heaven with that lovely cat bed, you are very good to them, they are obviously much loved, enjoy those green beans looks like they are almost there!!!

  2. My beans were blooming a bit the last time we were in garden, but the squash was about done for, I'm afraid. Okra will soon be blooming, and tomatoes will be turning pink.

  3. Tete, I love your cats, so cute and funny. Charlie probably thinks he is one too. Your things are really growing nicely. You are right about time flying by. Although your man is not so old. I have been trying to not whimper and whine about the weather, since I too remember this past winter...not ready for anymore of that. Blessings to you dear friend, xoxo,Susie

  4. Tete, What a sweet post!
    It is so true we need to treasure each day and live in the moment.
    Thank you for the sweet reminder.
    Your garden is amazing.

  5. Wonderful pictures, my dear! And so very true thoughts!
    All my best from Austria

  6. love your pretty kitties!

    and love, love, love the words-and-picture you made!!! -sigh- for lost times, i fear.

    and our fireflies are starting to appear too! i've been waiting patiently for them. love 'em!!!

    they are really faeries you know! just rent "midsummer night's dream" and you will seeeee!!!! ,-) i get my dvd's out of the local library system.


  7. Charlie is adorable! You have made a good life for him (and many kitties as well). God bless you, Tete!
    My garden is both muddy and weedy too. We have been eating green beans and blueberries from our garden.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!