Monday, June 9, 2014

we're having some perfect days here...

the mornings are wonderful...

not too hot and not too humid...
pretty good breezes and just enough sunshine...

a gift, not sure from who...
but we are loved...

we worked on this yesterday...
cleaning and scrubbing...
because bird pooh happens...

and someone was fishing this morning...

and cat a Charlie...
the day started off with a bang...
the truck went down 8 miles south of here...
and Craig was stuck...
called work for him and his dad...
who ran down, picked him up and took him to work...
got there an hour late...
DH had to head straight there after work to pick him up...
pretty sure its the fuel pump...
so its towed in and the guy is going to give it a look and let us know...
not good timing, but it will be ok...
got my drs appointment in the morning...
and Craig is off, so taking his dad to work and coming back and grabbing me to head for Paris...
today was full of dishes, cooking and laundry...
of course, there was a nap in there and phone calls to make...
placed another mama cat and her babies...
I don't have her yet, but it will just be a hand off...
shouldn't be too hard to handle...
being down to one car is not fun...
have a good night and I am slowing catching up with you...
Wed, Thurs and Fri are all home alone days...
I will get there, sooner or later...


  1. You are right, it is never a good time for a vehicle to break down. Hope it is a cheap fix.

  2. Tete,
    sorry to hear about your vehicle.I hate those costly repairs.
    and they hit you when you least expect it.
    on another note your garden is gorgeous.

  3. Well Tete as long as you went to Paris...I laughed at the dead mouse(rat) , my daughters cat brings them to her too. I love the cat and dog pictures. Gosh I hope the truck repairs isn't a darn fortune. Some times we are out lots of money to keep our vehicles running. We keep saying it's cheaper than a payment every month... but then it may get to the point where it isn't any longer. LOL. Hope you are feeling good. xoxo,Susie

  4. I have found several of those "special" litle gifts lately.. my cats leave me ground moles...Sorry the truck is out.. I hope it is a simple fix. Enjoy your day and be blessed!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!