Friday, July 25, 2014

good evening...

'what do you mean, "I'm full." ?'

yeah, you're full and sleepy...
and you need your face washed...

they are good babies...

sleeping long periods of time...
still not pooped yet...
but that will happen as much as they eat...

and I went out and filled the bird feeders tonight and turned around...

and the petunias are growing pretty on the other side, too...

its funny that the plants on the inside are trying to get out...

and the honey suckle on the outside is trying to get in...

DH is keeping his eye on the first pepper...

mums in July...
sure won't be as pretty this fall...
but I can always buy more...

day lilies have less than a week to go...

but the roses will go on until it snows...

I LOVE my yellow knock out and can't wait until it gets as big as the others...

just another day of babies, bottles and naps...
just one more day for DH...
and then he's mine for a week...
and the babies have awakened, so off I go to heat their bottle...


  1. the babies are little darlings, I miss caring for kittens, I never minded being a mom to them when the situation arose, I fed them with a little dolls bottle and helped them poop, just like their mama did, its a time consuming job but they will die without assistance won't they, you are such a good hearted person,
    you flowers are lovely too!

  2. I love your babies!! How sweet are they?!! Your flowers are beautiful!! Your post makes me smile...:)

  3. Tete, Your flowers are so pretty. I love that rose !! Those kittens are cute too. Hope the storms miss you too. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. oh that cute dark one! actually, there are 2 cute dark ones!!!

    good thing i am no where near you! if i could come over and watch them grow, i'd be a "gonner"!!!!! lol.

    and my husband would be a "gonner" too! he says no more cats. because i used to be so ocd, about them! worrying about them. lol

    leave the house and have a fit about whether the cat-safe-screens were in place correctly, etc., etc.

    yes, i had him make heavier cat-safe-screens, to put inside the regular screens, so they'd not fall out the upstairs windows!!!!

    so it's a good thing, i can't get close to that little dark one! -gigggggles-


  5. They look quite healthy, and sleeping for long periods must mean that they aren't feeling hungry, so formula is doing it's job.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!