Tuesday, July 22, 2014

got an early start this morning...

knock out roses are blooming again...

they have slowed down with the cooler nights we had...

it was a hotter and more humid day today...

so we went out to water early before the yuck happened...

another mum...

I dead headed the roses and day lilies...

one glad is opening...
they look terrible, but the wet weather and cooler temps are not good for them...
they tend to like it hot and dry...

this is where we planted the new iris...

and Craig got me watering them...

Charlie helped, too...

Craig walked back with the camera and got this of the bean field and the property line...
the neighbors let the weeds grow up, not us...

one of the knock out roses in the island has new growth on it and lots of buds...

the autumn clematis has taken a good hold and is doing really well...

we went for a walk, too...
most of the yards around here look like this after the last mowing...
but not ours...

Charlie is walking part of the time now instead of riding...

Craig grabbed the camera to get a shot of the beetle...
said it was the first one he has seen this year...
in fact, there are no japanese beetles anywhere here...
the winter must have killed them off...

tonight, before DH got home...
(he is working overtime)
Craig made HIS supper and sat down to the table...
so, here he is, stuffing his face...

and this is what I had...
he didn't fix me a thing..
I pulled up a chair and pouted, trying to make him feel guilty...
he just laughed at me...
I felt so loved...

but this was worth the wait...
this is what DH and I had...

I hope you had a good day today...
storms and a cold front moving through in the early morning hours...
we should have some nice days for the next week or so...
fair week is next week...
and its always so stinkin' hot...
but not this year...
low 70s...
hard to imagine wearing a sweatshirt if you go in the evening...
but I will take this weather over any other, any time...
home alone tomorrow afternoon...
will probably nap or something important like that...


  1. Tete,
    Your knock-out roses are so pretty!
    I have been really thinking of getting some and planting them in our back-yard.They like the HOT and HUMID and that is all we have around here.
    Your dinner looked delicious. I had Salmon burger with a side of guacamole and chips....
    Hope your evening is going well.
    Xo Marissa

  2. glad you don't let the weeds grow, on the line between your yard and the farm. why cover and hide that lovely bucolic view, of the rolling crops, behind you????? silly neighbors. just lazy i recon...

    we will not swelter today! finally got a/c working about 6pm last evening!!!!! hooooooray!!! we are tooooo old, to have no a/c.

    yes, we are also lucky to have it. i know that.

    onward with summer.

    fair opened yesterday, near here. it was a scorcher!!!!!!!!!! :-)


  3. Tete, I love when you take us on a walk through your yard. Everything is pretty and I know you all work together to get it that way. I laughed about your boy only feeding himself. Your dinner looked tasty. Your doggie is getting cuter and cuter. xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!