Saturday, July 12, 2014

nothing went according to plan today...

ever have one of those days?
supposed to be an alone day...

and just as I was gearing up to do nothing...
someone pops his head in the door...

DH got sent home from work because of the rain...
and it wasn't letting up for some time...
so, home he came...

well, you know what I do with fresh meat just dying to work...
yep, we started in on a few projects here and there...
the entrance closet is cleaned out and the fridge...
fresh pizza for supper...
and ice cream this afternoon...

and then, I flared...
a little...
and it stopped...
then it started again and so its been going...
and a migraine trying to invade my brain cells...

and just as the pizza was going in the oven, I got so sick to my stomach again!
and then when it came out, I got a message to rescue a kitten...

so off we went...
and she is adorable...
pictures are coming up real soon...

right after all these cool pepper shots...

and the coleus...

pepper blooms...


and here she is...
super cute and loads of fun...

6-7 weeks old, very friendly...
healthy as can be...
which means one of two things...

she either got lost...

or someone dumped her...

I knew these "new" old linens would make a good back drop for baby photos...

I will hold her a week and then adopt her out if no one claims her...
I named her...
Daisy Mae...
just because she is so darned cute...

the mower guy came and got the yard mowed right before it got dark out...
he said he had heard we could get another 5-8 inches of rain through Monday...
there is no way the ground here can hold anymore and we could be floating by morning...
so we grabbed a bucket and headed for the bean patch...
if they get under water, they will rot and it will be done...
so we did picking number 3 right before it got too dark to see out there...
so green beans tomorrow...

well, this chick is pupt...
I need a quick shower, got bugs crawling in my jammies...
I think...
hate that feeling!
good night!

within ten minutes of posting Daisy Mae on facebook...
she found a forever home if no one claims her...
I will keep her here for a week...
making sure she can eat dry food and lap water well enough...
and is litter trained before she goes...
and its a very good home!
facebook is amazing for getting babies out there for people to see...
and better than going to the shelters...
and for me, small town living...
we know everyone, or know someone who does know them...


  1. Tete, Hope you get to feeling better soon. That is a cute should go pretty quick. I hope and pray none of us gets that kind of rain...that's too much at one time. Take care, xoxo,Susie

  2. We've been getting more rain than usual too and today we were up in the Rockies and it poured. We are supposed to get more the next couple of days, I hope it doesn't flood again. Glad you got those beans picked; you need to kick that migraine to the curb.

  3. Daisy Mae is so sweet. We did not have any rain here. Worried if we had much at home, I have a leak around the stack pipe to the furnace at 1515 and can not seem to find anyone to fix it? Just need some tar put around it on the roof. Oh boy I may have a mess upon arrival Thursday :(

  4. I read your blog every morning when I am having coffee. Someday when I have time, I wish to blog everyday and include pictures more like you do. I read it off my phone on Blog lovin or I would leave way more give me so many neat ideas and I just love your heart...


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!