Monday, July 28, 2014

the vacation has begun...

got in some yard work this morning before lunch...

tree trimming, south yard cleaned up and dead heading the day lilies...

we had a couple of bird watchers...
Hermie and Lester...

and the temps were great all day...
in the 70s here...

DH conquering the jungle...

we hauled and hauled stuff like this to the burn pile...

beans need rain...

we came inside and did lunch...
then worked on our bedroom...
thought about moving things around...
then thought again...
but we did move everything out and cleaned behind and put it back...
on half of the room...
the other half comes tomorrow...
but I have homework tonight...
grabbing the Mr Clean and washing up the junque...
so its ready to go back in...
and did we purge!  

and something for you...
take it, use it...
made by me...
so you don't have to worry about the copy rights...


  1. hooray for the vacation!


    don't work him too hard, hon!



  2. and i like your "take what i made" statement. very sweet of you. very unique, in blog land.


  3. I LOVE your header!!!
    Great pictures of your yard today.
    Don't work too's VACATION!
    Beautiful music, Tete.
    Love you, sweet girl.

  4. Tete, You are doing one of those darned old working vacations. LOL. You know your husband will be glad to go back to work. You kill me girl. We are having the same wonderful temperatures. I love not having the heat or AC on , don't you? Blessings for some fun during this vacation. xoxo,Susie

  5. Your garden looks lovely, Tete. Enjoy the kitties and dogs. So great of you to foster. You are a very compassionate lady.
    Hugs, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!