Sunday, August 3, 2014

I love a quiet Sunday morning...

a moment of transition...

just like our lives and days right now...

4 new additions to the family...

but only here for a little while...

and they all get along pretty good...

our animals are used to us fostering...

and when new ones come in, they check them out and as long as they aren't aggressive coming in...

all is well in our little world...

the grape vine has really done well this year...

almost too well...
these were hiding underneath...

they popped up a few days ago...

our county fair finished last night...
and our sweet neighbor girlie didn't win the Little Miss pageant...
so she is trying again next year...

and soon, school will start here...
the pool will close for the year...

and Labor Day weekend is fast approaching...

only a few weeks of summer left before we begin to transition into fall...

and its been a mild, wet summer for us...

the last day of DH's days off...
vacation over...

he heads back in tomorrow morning...
so taking it easy today...

grilling out...

Craig has today off, too...

I save my rose petals...
for the winter months...

soon, these will sleep again...

take the time to gather it all in...
harvest the warm, sun filled days...
store them up for later...
and enjoy the peace of a Sunday morning...


  1. Happy Sunday. I tagged you in my blog because my friend Robin tagged me to answer 4 questions about my blog. Glad you and mr had a good vac

  2. Thank GOD for those peaceful Sundays and enjoy them any time you can.
    Glad the fosters are all nice and getting along. Bubba ran out the door yesterday and this morning, what was HE thinking? Oh he is a cat, he doesn't think.

  3. Tete, Even though the grape vine is taking over, every thing is so pretty there at your house. Good thing all your animals can get along together. Blessings for a great day. xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!