Sunday, August 10, 2014

the rain finally stopped and the sun came out...

but its so humid and nasty out there...

and everything is bigger here...
even our weeds...

and this old apple tree down the street is feeding so many this summer...
birds, bugs, bats...

finally got the yard mowed this afternoon after 2 weeks...

and there are spots of white clouds and blue again...
not just a gray overcast...

a hole in the sky...

things are slowing down and dying out...

this is getting a major pruning this fall...
its over due...

cleaned out half of the closet and my dresser today and have a big bag to head out of here this week...

DH picking tomatoes this evening...

got a package of chicken legs and fried half of them up...
made mashed taters and gravy...
and northern beans on the side...

it was really good...
we don't fry foods very often, so I really enjoyed it...

home grown...

there's a hint of fall around here...

and not all things are doing good...

but there's not that much time left...
so will just pull these soon and dump the pots...

Lester babysitting...


I finally put him in my wheel chair so Lester couldn't get him...

and he liked it there...

oh, another week coming...
not sure if I am ready...
can't believe the weekend is gone...

Nick left early this morning for Michigan...
to find his forever home...
I am sure he will have no trouble doing that...

babies have taken to sleeping in the poop box and pooping out in the kennel...
they are getting big and play now...
wanting to get them outside in the yard sometime to see how they do in the grass...
won't be long until they go home...
by then, harvest should be starting...
so, what are you end of summer plans?
anything left on your list of things to get done?
I have so many things that aren't going to happen this year...
oh, well...
some day!

have a fun Monday and I will be around soon...


  1. I love your photos. You have a beautiful farm! My tomatoes are still green. I have a lot of them, I wish they'd start getting ripe. Its been a cool summer here, maybe that's why.

  2. Came home this weekend for a funeral, did not even have to open the windows or turn on the air? weird?
    I swear on the drive the trees have "that look" like they are fading..hard to believe. I hate how time flies by so fast.

  3. Tete, We finally had some rain last night. It's cloudy here this Monday morning. I too think of Fall when I see how many leaves have fallen from the trees. Glad the little dog found a home. I love that the cat watches the Charlie. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!