Sunday, September 28, 2014

chasing my butt, and not winning...

went out to get photos today and guess who found us...
Mr Wiggles had been dust bathing...
can you see the dust clouds around him?
Craig started patting him down and it was terrible...

 I think I might need to weed the day lilies in the back...

after the clean up...
he was worse at one point...

we got leaves down...

and I got one of the scare crows dressed last night...
leaving the other one alone...
she's in purple and black...

got some corn stalks last night, too...
picked the short ones without any ears on them...

the trees are beginning to show some color now...

found this at goodwill in Chucktown on Thursday...

EPP stands for East Palestine Pottery in Ohio...

isn't it an amazing piece and very large...
should have been in an antique mall...

and guess who found his new mommie?
her name is Jill and he will be leaving us soon...

I think I am just worn out...
Thursday was Chucktown...
hair cut, goodwill and walmart...
then lunch at Taco Bell...
Friday was the boob doctor...
(I am ok)
pharmacy, walmart, Kroger and McDonald's...
my son drug me to T-town...
outlet mall...
Vanity Fair, a book store, Shopco and Burger King...

I think the worst part was putting it all away after we got home...
but I did get some pretty neat stuff...

DH worked over 80 hours this past week...
and he caught that terrible sore throat, head cold thingy that's been going around...
and he looked really bad a couple of nights when he got home...
so we have all 3 had it now, and it can go away anytime...

and I got some very sad news at the doctor's office...
my surgeon, God love him...
is in the Army Reserves...
and he got called up again...
I am pretty sure this is the third trip he is making...
3 1/2 months and he will get deployed in December...
to Afghanistan...
so keep him and his family in your prayers...

I hate this stupid war...


  1. Tete, Prayers for your Dr. and his family. And for your family. I knew that bobo would be gone in no time. He was cute. Girl are you sure you didn't miss a store this weekend?? I could not do that many at once...I'd be a loony. LOL. Take care, I have missed you. xoxo,Susie

  2. So you made it to "my" Goodwill!! Don't take all the good stuff! LOL
    They have had some good things.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!