Saturday, September 13, 2014

it really feels like fall...

had a storm go through the other night and the door went down...
it had never done that before...

and the beans are turning, some more than others...
the ones behind us are a little slower than most...
but they are beginning to take the corn out...
the moisture is so high...

which will mean a nightmare of a harvest on the elevators...
it will all have to be run through driers...

and a neighbor gave me 2 boxes of chickens and roosters...
that someone had given her...
got a vintage pair of s&p shakers in the lot...

well, we made the switch yesterday around noon...
Zoso is on his way to his new home...
and Precious joined our merry bunch of misfits...
photos later...
she is a bit scared and will need some time to adjust...

Craig and I hit Newman's city wide pre sale yesterday afternoon and did we ever do good...
that never happens!
one of us usually does ok or good and the other doesn't...
so for both of us to hit the big time...
was so cool...
got another wheel chair there and some fun things that I will try to get photos of today or tomorrow so I can post them...
the prices were insanely low, too...

its the wee hours of the morning here...
48 outside!
high of 61, it says..
digging out the long sleeves and wearing pants...
got some hoodies out, too...
even put on a pair of gloves last night to walk the doggies...

its about time to get the furnace on here...
chili sometime this weekend...
I am ready for that...

1 comment:

  1. Hope the new dog decides she likes you, and learns to play soon. It is 55 degrees here and I have on long pants this morning.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!