Monday, September 15, 2014


of yesterday's drive...
we had a day full of rain here again...

too cold and too wet to be out in it much...

beans, again...

the farmers who had been picking used the morning to haul corn to the elevators...

so when the rains come, DH usually doesn't work over...
so he was home early tonight...

and we had hamburgers and chili for supper...

love this...
we what's hiding behind the fence?

used to have one of these in the side yard on the farm...
and it was the best tasting water around...
until the summer a toad drowned in it...
took awhile for that to go away...

the road sides are covered in this by the time the harvest is done...

and more clover and butterflies...

and another shot of that wonderful apple tree...

got a dandy sore throat going on....
but I am on anitbiotics...
our little neighbor girl has strep throat...
and she was breathing on me!
I don't have my tonsils, but it sure feels like I used to before I got them out...
maybe doing another trip to the doctor this week...

not getting a lot done around here except the basics...
no fun projects at all...
lots of laundry...
which I need to fold a load here soon...
and refold a load Craig did earlier...
got around an inch and a half of rain, so won't be working outside for a day or two...
maybe three...

almost ready to dig out the halloween stuff...
just 2 more weeks and I can start putting that up...
and then Thanksgiving will happen and then...
the fat man comes...
100 days until he jumps on that old sleigh and heads out...
just thought you might like to know that...

hoping the sun shines tomorrow...


  1. My husband dug a well, in our first little house. There was a water shortage... We lived on the sandy side of town. He was young and a glutton for punishment.

    Worked all hours, 7 days a week, and still sunk a well!!!!

    The water was wonderful drinking. And with it, we could water our garden.

    People who used tooo much city water, had the police knocking at their door.

    People used to put up signs... "Well Water"... So no one riding by, would give them glares... For being "Badddd people... Using too much of scarce water." :-)

    Sore throat... -sigh-


  2. Sorry about your sore throat you ought to try a little honey, lemon and tequila.
    We got rain too along with mosquitoes and they say there is 3 cases of West nile virus in our county. I am staying inside...
    The apple tree looks so neat and pretty. Wish I could grow one here. its too hot I think.
    Have a great day.
    Xo Marissa

  3. We are sunny here today, Tete...but cold-in the 30's this morning.

    I love that you are using Tete in your blog name and I really like the clean look of your blog. Of course, it always looks nice. You do a good job changing it up all the time.

    Hope you feel better! xo Diana

  4. Feel better Tete.
    Sending"well" wishes
    ( that and a little humor to bring smiles I hope)


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!