Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Queen of her condo...

reporting on Patches today...
a baby who was very, very sick...

and she took a really bad turn on Sunday night...
and I thought she might pass on me...

but, we got the antibiotics on Sunday afternoon...
but I changed the feed and went back to the slop I make for the kitties...
KMR, beef baby food and baby rice cereal...
and made it with less water than normal and it all worked...
I sat up with her 3 nights in a row...
feeding every few hours...
I got up with her at 2:30 am on Tuesday and found her eating the canned cat food...
she went through 5 cans of canned cat food yesterday...

I am about to open the 6th can here in a bit...
she is finally slowing down on eating...
she had lost 2/3 of her body mass...
but she put almost all of it back on in 24 hours...
and today, I made her the kitty condo...
and she has been playing...
bless her little heart for fighting so hard for so long...

we do know they picked this up from the vet's office...
6 went out of here, Maggie was dropped off first and the other 5 went to the next foster mom...
she took that 5 to the vet...
that 5 all had symptoms and it hasn't spread beyond them...
Maggie is fine and never got sick...

Karen and I were on the phone constantly...
(the other foster mom)
between the two of us we have 30+ years of experience...
the vet didn't supply us with antibiotics, but she had it stock piled...
and we were able to treat them before the vet could open back up on Monday...
it saved them...
and yes, sometimes we know more than the vets do about the babies...
because we are there 24/7 with them...
we don't close up shop and leave them alone over night...

the vet is waiting until later this week to do more blood work...
to find out what this is for sure...
there is still a chance that if they have something that makes them a carrier and cannot be treated completely, that the whole bunch of them will be put down...
we are hopeful that will not happen...
but we have to save the majority...
and we won't breath easy until that happens...
because our personal babies have been exposed...
they would have to be put down also...

so please keep them all in your prayers...
until this is finally resolved...
and I am looking forward to the day when I can pack up Miss Patches...
and send her north to her furever mommie...
Debbie from Lakehouse...

she is such a sweet girl...
and she is sleeping with me at night now!
we got our first night's sleep last night...
and her whiskers tickle!
she has this knack for getting them up my nose...
she is gaining...
and she is having fun...
she even chased Mr Wiggles this morning...


  1. You've put so much time,and effort into taking care of Patches, Tete. She is one lucky little kitten.
    I hope everything ends up for the best for all the kittens!
    Thank you for all you are doing.
    You're the BEST!!

  2. Oh I am sending prayers for a good outcome. Patches is so adorable and how exciting that Debbie is going to be her Mommy and we can watch her grow up, fingers crossed and prayers said.

  3. So glad they have improved, and hope it is not something bad.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!