Wednesday, October 22, 2014

something spooky this way rides...

I finally got something put up for halloween...

the new clown guy...
and he's riding around the yard...

but right now he's parked by the roses...
which were still blooming...
we finally had a frost last night, but not a hard one...
will have to go out and see what got hit...
no, I haven't been out there yet today...
too much to do in here...
and Craig had to be at work at 1, so we had to hurry up and get the chores done this morning...
less than 5 hours to go for DH to get home...
he was in a pretty good mood last night and wasn't so tired...
I don't like him grumpy...
hope you are having good days...
this month is flying for me...
thinking about Christmas already...
making lists and will be getting my shopping on soon...
I really don't mind November and December...
its January, February and March that get me...
once Christmas is over, we could head right back into spring for all I care...
at least if Christmas was at the end of winter, you would have time to make so many things for presents...
and then maybe we wouldn't mind being inside so much...
and think off all the dinners and parties...
but, no one asked me when they were setting up the calender...
off to ramble somewhere else!


  1. Things will get better. I gave up decorating long time ago. As I get older, time goes faster. I hate Christmas is so near.

  2. Tete, Eewwwee that is creepy. I am all for spring coming right after Christmas too. Glad your man was in a better mood. Hate when our men are tired. Blessings for a great end of the week. We had sun all it !!! xoxo, Susie

  3. Tete!! A clown?! Eeeek! I would forget it was there and scare myself to death! Hope you have a great day!

  4. LOL- Yep- no one asked you when they were setting up the calendar...but that sounds like a good idea to me!

    Okay- I am officially CREEPED out with that clown! xo Diana

  5. I live in Dominican Republic. Four months ago my brother (50 years old) had Guillain Barre Syndrome. He spent nine days in intensive care and 21 days in the Hospital. When he left the hospital he was completely paralyzed, unable to walk for himself. Gradually he recovered and returned to walking and it is working again. They put a treatment of 5 doses of immunoglobulin G which cost $ US25,000 (this saved his life).
    We all suffer a lot. Any additional information you need, my blog is
    I will pray for her


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!