Wednesday, October 1, 2014

welcome to October...

thought you might want to see what I brought home from the pumpkin patch yesterday...

I love these with all the knobby things on them...
and all the different colors...

can you believe that they all come from the same seed?

these are on the green bench in front of the shed...

and I got this wonderful mum...
she was almost out of them...

and a blue pumpkin who is living on the deck for now...

and a few small ones for inside...

doing so much better today...
probably a combination of whatever it is that's going around...
being on the antibiotics...
and eating fast food too many days in a row...

the crazy person who thought it would be a good idea to plant a walnut at the end of the drive way should be shot...
I spend my afternoons raking those things off of the sidewalk so no one turns an ankle...
what was I thinking?
and they are falling big time now...
hard hat area...
so far, I haven't been bonked in the head...
it was so bad yesterday, I couldn't fill the feeders at the island...
I hope the birds understood that...
got them filled though, last night...
no wind and nothing fell while I was out there...

I am not sure if I told you or not, but the lady changed her mind about adopting Bobo....
so he is still here...
had someone ask about him yesterday, so probably not for long...
he is older and may take a bit to find the right person...

took everything out of the curio cabinet in the living room and washed it all...
packed some of it away and added other stuff...
I have been putting it off...
for way too long...
feels good to have that done...
not much on the agenda for the rest of the week...
would like to have the whole house clean at the same time...
(almost impossible to do here)
and I would like to get my halloween decorations out and up...
and the outside cleaned up really good...
hope you day is sweet and productive and includes a nap and chocolate!


  1. Oh I hope Bebe gets his forever home soon! I love your goodies, are they squash, gourds or pumpkins? They sure are pretty, their colors are gorgeous! I have been slow for a few days myself lately. I have been thinking about stopping all of my meds and starting over... The joint pain has been too much lately. So many meds, and so many side effects, just makes me wonder sometimes.

  2. Here, a nap, for sure....

    And I love those knobby gourds toooooo!

    Happy October!
    "Here there be musing" blog

  3. Tete, Too bad about Bobo.. He may need someone very patient. I love your patch pickin's. Yes, I agree about walnut trees. Ted cut one down for the neighbor lady...she said she was sick of picking them up to mow. I drive down the road over one and there's a tree in the two neighboring yards. The road has a blackish smear under each tree where cars have ran over the walnuts.LOL We have a hickory tree in front. This year there was about a dozen nuts on that year, no kidding. The canapy was not a full either, so I hope we are not losing it. It is some great shade. Although picking up nuts was not what I planned on in retirement...I could have done that at work !! LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  4. Oh thank goodness she changed her mind BEFORE she picked him up, and then didn't want him.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!