Monday, November 3, 2014

its that time of the year again...

just sent this to Craig's email so he can print it off...
and we have four brand new totes to put them on...
we will be heading out the door soon to place them in local businesses...

and I made the general information flyer that will go up all over town...
and I have already begun the soliciting online...
we have our own facebook page...

if you are out shopping, throw something extra in your cart...
if you are able to do that...
a child is waiting patiently for your generosity...
we only have 5 weeks to make this happen...
and the time will fly by so fast...
and before you know it...
the fat man will be sliding down the chimney!
have a great day!


  1. Tete, I must have slept too can't be that close to Christmas. :):) I hope you get plenty of donations for the kids. I sure remember getting gifts a couple years from the Salvation Army. And a little box of candy from the Moose Lodge, after the free show in our local theater. God was good to us. xoxo,Susie

  2. Your flyer is really lovely. Wishing much joy for the kids and thanking you for making a difference for both the kids and the parents. May God bless you. Off now to catch up on your blog; we did a major garden transition (courtyard, pergola, waterfall/stream/pond) and I'll be showing it (the big reveal) in a post on Weds. Stop by then if you have a chance.
    Hugs and blessings, Beth


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!