Saturday, November 22, 2014

so thankful...

Thursday night, in the middle of the night...
this happened in our little town...
the bus garage for the school buses caught on fire...
the bus garage and one bus were a total loss...

2 other buses had severe damage to the front ends...

it was not a big garage, just large enough to pull one bus in at a time...
with a work area...
but you can see the propane tank that was right behind it...

and here are 2 gas tanks so close...
just so thankful that they didn't blow...

there were 4 buses here yesterday morning...
the first 2 are the ones from the other photo with the front end damage...
so maybe they can be fixed...
I couldn't see any damage to the last one...
this is across the street and mid block of the school...
and our district contracts the bus service out, so they don't belong to the school anymore..
the bus service sent buses down to cover the morning pick up and even though I am sure kids were wanting a day off...
school began as usual...
thankful that we have a most awesome fire department here...
and that they train extensively and were prepared...
that the power line that fell missed four firemen by just a foot...
and no one was hurt and the fire was contained to the bus garage area...
there are homes close all the way around it...
our fire fighters, all volunteer...
prove themselves to be true heroes over and over again...

isn't this the cutest thing?
I know, I get excited about little toy John Deere tractors...
its a farm girl thing...
we found this in one of the donation boxes yesterday...
along with all of the new toys donated...
so I posted on facebook...
and thanked the little guy who donated his gently used, probably much loved, little toy tractor...
and promised him, whoever he was, that we would help Santa make sure that this wonderful toy would find just the right little boy...

you know, if we all gave from the heart...
what a wonderful world we could create...


  1. Tete, I am so sorry to see what has happened in your town. It was lucky though that all the fuel storage wasn't too near the blaze. All firemen are heroes , aren't they? I hope all needy children get some gifts this year. Blessings , xoxo,Susie

  2. This is terrible news to hear! It is so lucky that the fuel storage was not in the line of the fire. xo

  3. I just stumbled on to your blog. The fire could have been so much worse. I am glad everyone is ok!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!