Saturday, November 1, 2014

welcome to November...and part 3...

can you believe it?  
that winter is breathing down our backs?
how does this happen?
its a sneaky one...

there were reports of spitting snow yesterday in our area...
personally, I did not see it...
if I had, I would be in bed with the covers pulled up over my head...
so not ready...

had a day with my guy yesterday...
did the shopping thing...
so today, its a home alone day and a piddle fartin' day...

and a nappin' kind of day...
I sure hope the sun is out today...
its still dark here...
just waiting for the dawn...

we drove around a bit last night...
and found bunches of goblins just running the streets!
but not one came here...
we are on the edge of town, on a dead end street...
kind of in our own little world here...
and they forget us...
I called dibs on the peanut butter cups last night...
we have 4 bags of candy here...

now, just to let you know what a bumper crop is...
a normal good year here is 180-190 bushels of corn per acre...
and the farmers are really happy with that...
but this year is breaking all kinds of records...
they are pulling out 230-240 bushels...
that makes harvest go longer...
more trips to the elevator...
the grain bins...
trucks and wagons are everywhere...
more ground piles...
more trains...
more hours...
DH had 88 hours in last week...
all the guys are pulling those kind of hours...
but hoping for a slow down this coming week...
until its finished...
and we can get back to normal...
so, do you have your tree up yet?
just wondering...


  1. LOL- Nope- no tree going up here until the day after Thanksgiving. I am having Thanksgiving here this year so I don't want the tree up yet...although I may get some outside stuff done if we have some warm days just before.

    Your pictures are great, Tete. That is a LOT of hours for hubby to work. The only bonus would be the overtime, I guess.

    Have a great day! xo Diana

  2. Tete, Shut your mouth girlfriend. !! You made me laugh out loud with that tree statement. Loved it.
    I know the harvest has been huge this year. We see all the wagons and trucks lined up at the elevators. I am glad your man had a day off. I know he works hard, for that is a ton of hours.
    The sun is shining here today...oh God loves me. It did snow last are not the only one not ready. I have not got my snow shovel out yet.
    I was hoping I would not need it till Feb. Stay warm Tete. xoxo,Susie

  3. No Tree and No Goblins showed up here. We had a very quiet night.
    That is a lot of corn per acre.

  4. tree...still pumpkins here.
    Yes on the snow, though, and 40mph winds.
    That's a lot of hours for your honey to be working! Bad for the body, but good for bill payin'.
    I LOVE your's so pretty!
    Have a great weekend, sweet girl.

  5. Tree up? Good grief! We have a real one, the weekend after Thanksgiving. But we will put the one up at 1515 next weekend. I know you will be glad when the harvest is over!

  6. Wow that a great harvest ~ sounds like a lot of work .
    Hmm Tree up ~ oh your a funny girl. The tradition round these parts seems to be the day after Thanksgiving.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!