Saturday, December 27, 2014

bath time...

the kitty car wash was open for business...
and these poor little ones were so dirty!

and this little face that I thought was just filthy...
just colored pretty...

those eyes get me every time...
who could have something so tiny look right into your eyes and your heart not melt?
this one is long haired and fluffed up so big when dried...
I will get more photos this weekend...

and this is our little Annie...
the one that has crashed on me twice now and we had to pull out of the adoption list...
she had a home and was going to her new mama...
and many things just got in the way of that happening...
all for reason...
not sure if she would have survived if she had been in transport...
when she went down...
she is my girl and shadows me all day long...
she curls up to me at nap time and bed time...
and Charlie is just crazy about her...
they play so well together...
I got up and she followed me in here...
sleeping on the table behind the laptop...
waiting for me to go back to bed...
I renamed her since she will be staying with us for all time...

I posted the loss of our kennel on facebook yesterday...
and one of our adoption families is donating theirs to us for our rescues...
picking it up later this morning...
we are blessed to be surrounded by supporting people in our community...
God sure takes care of these babies...
from getting them to us...
to having others help us when we need it...
and finding them the right families to take into their homes...
have a good weekend!


  1. That is wonderful and she is just adorable.

  2. I think I am officially caught up on your Christmas shenanigans now :) The little kitties are adorable. Sorry about your kennel. Who in the world would steal something like that! What is wrong with people? And it's not like you live in the big city where you have to lock up stuff at night. Hope you're enjoying the rest of the holidays. Give the kitties a hug for me!

  3. Tete, Cats are usually not easy to wash are they? Our cat used to cry to high heaven when getting a bath. Bless you for your tender heart. xoxo,Susie

  4. They are just precious, Tete! Doesn't look like they are having too much fun at bath time though. So glad that someone is donating a kennel, that is awesome!

  5. They are adorable! I am so grateful for foster families, all of our pets have been rescues. So glad you were able to get another kennel. Have a greatfull day!

  6. Oh I betcha' those bath times, are a lot of fun, and a lot of work!

    So sweet that your little kitty, is so happy to be staying with you.

    Wonderful that a kennel is being donated. How weird is it, that yours was stolen. Yish....


  7. You are such a sweetie Tete! Those rescued animals are so blessed to have you. Love your heart.....wishing you wellness and happiness in the new year!! Hugs to you!!!!!


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!