Thursday, December 4, 2014

by His grace...

that's the only way I made it through yesterday...

I have been so sick and in pain...
I am not sure if its any one thing or just a combination of many going on at once...

pinched nerves just under the shoulder blades...
stop me in my tracks...
and make me so sick to my stomach...

my guys were wonderful...
we had to shop for the toy drive...
we are running out of time...

they got me there, pushed me through the store and then took me through here before coming home...
and we got it done...
and today, I will rest...
tomorrow is the last day to sort and set up...
praying my way through...
and it was a good night shopping...
cold but no wind...
and the deals we found...
great, wonderful toys...
on sale and marked down...
doll houses and pogo sticks...
scooters and batman...
baby dolls, curling irons and blankets...
baby toys that are just too cute for words...
I always pray on the way and in the parking lot before we go in...
we don't go through ads or look online...
we just hit the store with that prayer...
lead us to what is wanted and needed...
and golly gee, the guys stuffed it all in the van and there was room for Craig even...
he was happy he didn't have to ride home on top...
prayers that I can do this one more time...
and prayers that we have enough...


  1. Prayers for you to find strength and to be blessed with pain relief as you do GOOD work for your community. Santa's Angels are busy this time of year but the blessings they bring to others will be passed forward with good cheer. I am glad I have gotten to know you Tete, I understand your physical pain, and always include you in my morning prayers. May God bless you in the days ahead!

  2. I am praying for you Tete. I pray you get the strength you need to complete this Chosen task. Plus you need a bit more to get to and beyond Christmas day. You and your fellows did well. Blessings, xoxo,Susie


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!