Monday, December 8, 2014

it's the most wonderful time of the year...

I finally got some better pics today...
it was cloudy and with the regular lights off and the CHRISTmas lights on...
they came out much better...
I love this votive cup...
I have no idea where I got it, but it might be Home Interiors...
I have had it forever, it seems...

this santa is from Walmart or Kmart...
many years ago...

the same with this one...

I don't put many of them out any more...
and have weeded much of my stuff the last few years...

when DH got home from work this afternoon, we made a run up town with the left over toy totes...
had one meet me up there to get toys for an almost 4 year old...
and we put the rest upstairs...
the man who owns the furniture and carpet store lets us store our things up there... 
which really helps us out a lot...
if we get a call for another family, we can run up there and pick through the totes and get it to them...

tonight after supper, Craig and I ran back up to the fire hall and unpacked boxes of gently used items...
to get ready for the Kid's Shopping Night...
so area kids can come and shop for their parents/ grandparents...
all items are donated...
and its gift wrapped before they leave...

everything is marked a nickle, a dime or a quarter...
if they don't have enough, we recount the money and make sure its exactly what they need...
"wink, wink"
so they can leave with the best presents ever for their families...

if a child cannot pay, that's ok, too...
we send them on their way with their favorite picks...
I will take my camera and get pics of the fun on Thursday night when we open up...

and then this is happening here this year...
I can't wait for that!
I have never seen a reindeer in person!
I made the flyer yesterday for them...

today was a lazy day for me until the guys got home...
I laid around and slept most of it...
love my electric blanket when its cold out!
it was cool, some wind and rain...
just plain dreary...
but great for not doing a thing!
I think I am going to be ok...
I hurt so bad last night, I was wondering...
but, God is good and I'm still kicking, just not as high...

need to do some Christmas shopping sometime this week...
a little for the toy drive and then the rest of ours...
then we should be ready...
have fudge, cookies, candy canes...
got to get my cards out, though...

so what are you doing to get ready for CHRISTmas?


  1. Your town, and some of the people in it, have to be some of the most generous and warm-hearted people anywhere. So free with their time and their energy... To make Christmas Time lovely, for local kids.

  2. Tete, I can no longer kick over my head either...LOL. But if need be I can still kick butt high. . I love what you and your men and your town are doing for everyone in need. It just touches my heart. I am blessed to know you ...even if it's just thru blogging. You are one of my soul sisters. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  3. Love your pretty Christmas decorations Tete!

  4. Your Christmas pictures are beautiful, Tete. I love that you are doing so much for the community by working that toy drive and kids' shopping thing so hard. You do a great job and I know that your repayment in smiles is all the payment you need.

    Hope you have a wonderful kids' shopping night! xo Diana

  5. How wonderful for the kids and love the decos.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!