Thursday, January 29, 2015

prairie barn and Courtney update...

we ran across this small, old barn on our drive last Saturday...

time has taken its toll on it...

 but it must have been so useful in its time...

you can see the front has given way...

just bulging at the seams...

they left hay in the loft...

for too many years...
and the roof leaked and saturated the hay...

the weight becomes too much and it becomes dangerous...

this will have to be taken down...
but these old structures have been disappearing from our landscape rapidly...
and there aren't very many of them left...
we lose more with every passing year...
replaced by pole barns...

Courtney update:
she got up and walked last night...
and the pain is down...
she did 5 laps down the hall...
keep praying for a speedy recovery!


  1. Such beautiful pictures, it makes you want to try to restore it.

  2. such old barns, are so sad. sad that something once useful, has been left to go to ruin.

    a lot like parts of life, in general.

    hope your friend continues to improve.

  3. hi Tete, Loved your barn and so glad to hear the update on Courtney. Morphine didn't work for me after my first csection, hope it kicked in for her. Thank you for your encouragement over my upcoming surgery.

  4. Tete, Courtney is so brave. I am keeping her in my prayers. Praying for a full and speedy recovery.
    Old barn should be saved, they are a treasure. I do not know why people do not try. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  5. Those are GREAT pictures, Tete. Some are kind of sad feeling,aren't they?
    Great news about Courtney. God has had His hand on her. xo Diana

  6. Hi Tete, So glad to hear that Courtney is doing good and the pain is less. She really had a great walk too. Bless her heart.
    Lovely old pics and how sad these treasures are going away.

    Thank you for stopping by and your comment. You are so right about the ramp and the part it probably does play in the fence the way it is. So glad you pointed this out in your comment. I saw this but did not bring it forth in my post. I should have and glad you did.
    Wishing you a wonderful evening.
    Hugs and Blessings and prayers continued for Courtney.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!