Wednesday, February 11, 2015

more of the drive...

migraine is gone...

and I didn't get much done yesterday, so need to move today...

tacos tonight for supper...

which isn't hard to do and won't take long at all...

and its supposed to be warmer today...
almost 50...

then back to 17 for a high on Thursday...

need prayers for Tia and her grandma again...
she is in the hospital with pneumonia...
and I am thinking her lungs are filling...

well, back to bed for awhile...
and then to knock out all this housework...


  1. Oh I used to have them bad those M. H. Not as much now with age.

    Go easy on your chores. Don't over do yourself.

    I just prayed now for your prayer request.

    Your pictures are lovely and your background is pretty too.


  2. Tete, Glad you take us with you on your drives. :):) I hope you are doing better. I wanted to sleep in this that's when Ted gets up early. That man is killing me .LOL Enjoy your 50 degree day. Oh boy. xoxo,Susie

  3. so glad the migraine is gone!!!!

    more sickness, of this winter. -sigh- it will be a winter, we will all be glad, to say good bye to. sickness-wise it has been brutal.

    both sons sick again here. the cold from hell just keeps going around and around. -sighhhh-


  4. more sickness, of this winter. -sigh-

    I meant that, in regard to the people you mentioned.....

  5. Feel better my friend! Your pictures are pretty as usual, especially the one that looks like a Georgia ruin from the Civil War.

  6. Tete,
    50s is still really cold.... We are now back in the 80s again. I hope you feel better. Love this song reminds me of my younger years..

  7. Gorgeous photos my friend ~ so good to see the ground here.


Bless your little pea picking heart for leaving a comment! You are so sweet!